释义 |
dejecta (dɪˈdʒɛktə) pl n (Zoology) waste products excreted through the anus; faeces[C19: New Latin: things cast down; see deject]ex•cre•ment (ˈɛk skrə mənt) n. waste matter discharged from the body, esp. feces. [1525–35; < Latin excrēmentum=excrē-, variant s. of excernere + -mentum -ment] ex`cre•men′tous (-ˈmɛn təs) adj. EncyclopediaSeeExcrementdejecta
de·jec·tion (dĕ-jek'shŭn), 1. Synonym(s): depression (4) 2. The discharge of excrementitious matter. 3. The matter so discharged. Synonym(s): dejecta [L. dejectio, fr. de- jicio, pp. -jectus, to cast down] dejecta (dē-jĕk′tă) [L. dejectio, injection] Feces; intestinal waste.ThesaurusSeedejection |