Dejerine-Roussy syndrome

tha·lam·ic syn·drome

a syndrome produced by infarction of the posteroinferior thalamus causing transient hemiparesis, severe loss of superficial and deep sensation with preservation of crude pain in the hypalgic limbs that frequently have vasomotor or trophic disturbances. Synonym(s): Dejerine-Roussy syndrome

tha·lam·ic syn·drome

a syndrome produced by infarction of the posteroinferior thalamus causing transient hemiparesis, severe loss of superficial and deep sensation with preservation of crude pain in the hypalgic limbs that frequently have vasomotor or trophic disturbances. Synonym(s): Dejerine-Roussy syndrome

Dejerine-Roussy syndrome

(de-zhren'roo-se') [Joseph Jules Dejerine; Gustave Roussy, Swiss-Fr. neuropathologist, 1874–1948] Thalamic pain syndrome.


Joseph J., Paris neurologist, 1849-1917. Dejerine anterior bulbar syndrome - occlusion of anterior spinal arteries with involvement of cortical spinal tract, hypoglossal nerves, and medial lemnisci.Dejerine cortical sensory syndrome - (1) radiculitis; - (2) bulbar syndrome caused by medullar lesion and resulting in cranial nerve paralysis in the area; - (3) polyneuropathy resulting in depression of deep sensation; tactile sensation remains normal.Dejerine disease - Synonym(s): Dejerine-Sottas diseaseDejerine hand phenomenon - clonic contractions of the flexors of the hand (wrist) on tapping the dorsum of the hand or the volar side of the forearm near the wrist, exaggerated in pyramidal tract lesions. Synonym(s): Dejerine reflexDejerine reflex - Synonym(s): Dejerine hand phenomenonDejerine sign - aggravation of symptoms of radiculitis by the acts of coughing, sneezing, or straining to defecate.Dejerine-Landouzy dystrophy - Synonym(s): Landouzy-Dejerine dystrophyDejerine-Landouzy myopathy - Synonym(s): Landouzy-Dejerine dystrophyDejerine-Lichtheim phenomenon - Synonym(s): Lichtheim signDejerine-Roussy syndrome - infraction of posteroinferior thalamus causing transient hemiparesis, severe loss of superficial and deep sensation with preservation of crude pain in the limbs with decreased sensation; the limbs frequently have vasomotor or trophic disturbances. Synonym(s): thalamic syndromeDejerine-Sottas disease - a familial type of demyelinating sensorimotor polyneuropathy that begins in early childhood and is slowly progressive. Synonym(s): Dejerine disease; Dejerine-Sottas neuropathy; progressive hypertrophic polyneuropathyDejerine-Sottas neuropathy - Synonym(s): Dejerine-Sottas diseaseLandouzy-Dejerine dystrophy - see under Landouzy


Gustave, French pathologist, 1874-1948. Dejerine-Roussy syndrome - see under DejerineRoussy-Cornil syndrome - occasional lancinating pains, with peripheral weakness, fasciculation, visual disturbance, and ataxia. Synonym(s): interstitial hypertrophic neuropathyRoussy-Lévy disease - a type of cerebellar ataxia regularly associated with wasting of the calves and intrinsic muscles of the hands, with absent tendon reflexes. Synonym(s): Roussy-Lévy syndromeRoussy-Lévy syndrome - Synonym(s): Roussy-Lévy disease