

C0812800 (ko͝or′ē-ə, kyo͝or′-)n. pl. cu·ri·ae (ko͝or′ē-ē′, kyo͝or′-) 1. a. One of the ten primitive subdivisions of a tribe in early Rome, consisting of ten gentes.b. The assembly place of such a subdivision.2. a. The Roman senate or any of the various buildings in which it met in republican Rome.b. The place of assembly of high councils in various Italian cities under Roman administration.3. The ensemble of central administrative and governmental services in imperial Rome.4. often Curia Roman Catholic Church The central administration governing the Church.5. a. A medieval assembly or council.b. A medieval royal court of justice.
[Latin cūria, council, curia; see wī-ro- in Indo-European roots.]
cu′ri·al adj.