Curing of Polymers
Curing of Polymers
a process by which liquid reactive polymers of low molecular weight (oligomers) are irreversibly converted into solid, insoluble, and infusible three-dimensional polymers. The term “curing” is generally used in the processing of plastics, varnishes, adhesives, and sealing compounds.
Curing of polymers takes place under the action of special reagents (curing agents) or through the interaction of reactive oligomer groups upon exposure to heat, ultraviolet light, or high-energy radiation. The curing mechanism is determined by the nature of the reactive groups in the oligomer, the curing agent, and the specific conditions of the process. Curing of polymers may involve polycondensation (for example, the curing of phenol-formaldehyde resins) or polymerization (curing of polyester resins). Both mechanisms may be used simultaneously in certain cases, for example, in the curing of epoxy resins with acid anhydrides in the presence of tertiary amines, which are used as catalysts.