first-degree murder


(ˈmɜr dər)

n., v. -dered, -der•ing. n. 1. the unlawful killing of a person, esp. when done with deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime (first-degree murder) or with intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder). 2. something injurious, immoral, or otherwise censurable: to get away with murder. 3. something extremely difficult or unpleasant: That exam was murder! v.t. 4. to kill by an act constituting murder. 5. to kill or slaughter barbarously. 6. to spoil or mar through incompetence: The singer murdered the aria. 7. Informal. to defeat thoroughly. v.i. 8. to commit murder. [1300–50; Middle English mo(u)rdre, murder, variant (influenced by Old French murdre < Germanic) of murthre murther]