Dinmukhamed Kunaev
Kunaev, Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich
Born Dec. 31, 1911 (Jan. 12, 1912), in Alma-Ata. Soviet state and party figure, Hero of Socialist Labor (1972), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (since 1952). Became a member of the CPSU in 1939. The son of an office worker.
Kunaev graduated in 1936 from the Moscow Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold and worked at the Pribalkhashstroi (Balkhash Copper-smelting) combine as a machinist, shop foreman, and chief engineer of a mine. In 1939 he served as deputy chief engineer at the Altaipolimetall combine and then as director of the Ridder mine administration. Vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR from April 1942 to April 1952, Kunaev was president of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR from April 1952 to April 1955, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR from April 1955 to January 1960, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan from January 1960 to December 1962, and chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR from December 1962. He was reelected first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan in December 1964.
Kunaev was elected a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU at the Twentieth through Twenty-fourth Congresses of the CPSU, a candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU in April 1966, and a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU in April 1971. He was a deputy to the third through ninth convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and has been a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR since 1962.
Kunaev combines government and party work with scientific activity. His works are devoted to the theory and practice of open-pit exploitation of deposits. He investigated and introduced efficient methods of cutting ore at mines in Kazakhstan. Kunaev has been awarded three Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and medals.
Razrabotka Kounradskogo mestorozhdeniia mednykh rud. Alma-Ata, 1949.“V. I. Lenin i natsional’no-osvoboditel’noe dvizhenie.” In the collection Problemy natsional’no-osvoboditel’nogo dvizheniia: Materialy mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma, posviashchennogo 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia V. I. Lenina. Alma-Ata, 1969; Moscow, 1970.
“Leninskaia natsional’naia politika v deistvii.” deistvii.” In the collection Voprosyistorii Kompartii Kazakhstana, issue 7. Alma-Ata, 1970.