

单词 cfe



abbreviation for 1. (Education) College of Further Education 2. (Military) Conventional Forces in Europe: negotiations between NATO and the Warsaw Pact to reduce conventional forces located between the Atlantic and the Urals


CFEConventional Forces in Europe (treaty)
CFECash Flow to Equity (finance/accounting)
CFECertified Fraud Examiner
CFECaisse des Français de l'Etranger (French: Fund for French Nationals Abroad)
CFEConfédération Française de l'Encadrement (French: French Confederation of Executive Coaching)
CFECentre de Formalités des Entreprises (French business registration center)
CFECampaign for Fiscal Equity (New York)
CFEComisión Federal de Electricidad (México)
CFECenter for Financial Education (various locations)
CFECurriculum for Excellence (Scotland)
CFECotisation Foncière des Entreprises (French tax)
CFECoaching for Excellence (management development)
CFEConfederation Fiscale Européenne (French: European Tax Federation)
CFECentre for Entrepreneurship (various locations)
CFECell Free Extract
CFEColony Forming Efficiency (tumors)
CFEControl Flow Error
CFECryptoforge Encrypted File
CFECenter for Environment (various locations)
CFECertified Franchise Executive (International Franchise Association)
CFECollege of Further Education
CFEContinuing Forestry Education
CFECertified Facilities Executive (International Association of Assembly Managers)
CFEContractor-Furnished Equipment
CFEConnecticut Fund for the Environment (New Haven, CT, USA)
CFECertified Financial Examiner
CFECenter for Empowerment (Seattle, WA)
CFECommercial and Foreign Entity
CFEFederal Commission for Electricity (Mexico)
CFECentre for Enterprise (UK)
CFECleaner Fossil Energy (task force)
CFECombined Filter Effluent (water treatment)
CFECenter For Engineering
CFEComputer Forensic Examiner
CFECentre for Fuels and Energy (Australia)
CFECountryside Foundation for Education (UK)
CFECommon Firmware Environment
CFECommon Front End (software)
CFECustomer-Furnished Equipment (contracting)
CFECapillary Flow Experiment (NASA)
CFECenter for Evangelism (Thailand)
CFECoalition Forces Enterprise
CFECultural Foundations of Education (academic program)
CFEClermont-Ferrand Aulnat France (airport code)
CFECercle Félin de l'Est (French cat club)
CFEConseil Français de l'Energie (French: French Council of Energy)
CFEChicago, Ft. Wayne & Eastern Railroad
CFECertificat de Fin d'Etudes (French: school completion certificate)
CFEChristian Faith Exploration
CFECumulative Forecast Error
CFECoalition for Equality
CFEClub de Femmes Entrepreneurs (French: Club for Women Entrepreneurs; Geneva, Switzerland)
CFEClermont-Ferrand Échecs (French chess club)
CFECash for Education (Bangladesh)
CFECrown Firecoach Enthusiasts (La Verne, CA)
CFECurrent Federal Employee
CFECarrier Frequency Estimator
CFECyclically Flexible Enterprise
CFECenter for Fusion Engineering
CFEC Faulkner Engineering (Austin, TX)
CFECascading Failure Effect
CFEComputer Front End
CFECertified Field Examiner
CFECommittee for Fair Elections
CFECompetency for Execution
CFECommercially Furnished Equipment
CFEContract Field Engineer
CFECandidate for Elimination (design for manufacture term)
CFECBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) Future Exchange (Chicago, IL)
CFECandles for Education
CFEComputer Fraud Examiner




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