释义 |
Bielschowsky sign Bi·el·schow·sky sign (by'els-chov'skē), in paralysis of a superior oblique muscle, tilting the head to the side of the involved eye causes that eye to rotate upward.Biel·schow·sky sign (byels-chov'skē sīn) In paralysis of a superior oblique muscle, tilting the head to the side of the involved eye causes that eye to rotate upward. Bielschowsky, Alfred, German ophthalmologist, 1871-1940. Bielschowsky disease - early childhood type of lipofuscinosis.Bielschowsky sign - in paralysis of a superior oblique muscle, tilting the head to the side of the involved eye causes that eye to rotate upward.Roth-Bielschowsky syndrome - see under Roth, W |