Acronym | Definition |
EFM➣Emergency Financial Manager (Michigan) |
EFM➣Ethernet in the First Mile (IEEE 802.3ah) |
EFM➣Education For Ministry |
EFM➣Electronic Fetal Monitoring |
EFM➣Enterprise Feedback Management |
EFM➣Engineering Fluid Mechanics |
EFM➣Enterprise Fax Manager |
EFM➣Ethernet in First Mile |
EFM➣External Feature Model |
EFM➣Environmental Fluid Mechanics (various organizations) |
EFM➣Eight to Fourteen Modulation |
EFM➣Electrostatic Force Microscopy |
EFM➣Extended Family Member |
EFM➣Eligible Family Member |
EFM➣Electronic Flow Measurement |
EFM➣Enseignement et Formation en Mathématiques (French: Education and Training in Mathematics) |
EFM➣Economics, Finance and Marketing (various organizations) |
EFM➣École Française de Melbourne (French: French School of Melbourne; Melbourne, Australia) |
EFM➣European Fund Management |
EFM➣Electronic Freight Management (US DOT) |
EFM➣Employ Florida Marketplace (online job search) |
EFM➣Expérience aux Frontières de la Mort (French: Near Death Experience) |
EFM➣Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability |
EFM➣Emerging Financial Market |
EFM➣Étude Fabrication Montage (French: Production Assembly Study) |
EFM➣Electric Field Mill |
EFM➣Equipped for Mission (Newfrontiers USA) |
EFM➣Environmental Forum of Marin (California) |
EFM➣Evangelicals for Mitt (political support group) |
EFM➣Effects of Medroxyprogesterone (study) |
EFM➣Equivalent Frame Method (ACI design of slab systems) |
EFM➣Espace Formation des Métiers (French: Trades Training Center) |
EFM➣École Française Motonautique (French: French Powerboating School) |
EFM➣École Française de Manille (French: French School of Manila; Manila, Philippines) |
EFM➣École Française de Mushing (French: French School of Mushing) |
EFM➣Environmentally Friendly Mode (transportation) |
EFM➣Écoles Françaises de Motocyclisme (French: French Motorcycling School) |
EFM➣Escadron de Formation des Moniteurs (French: Squadron Training Instructors) |
EFM➣Enhanced Flux Maintenance (for microfiltration systems) |
EFM➣Electromagnetic Frequency Management |
EFM➣Electronic Field Mill |
EFM➣Electronic Field Manual (US Army) |
EFM➣Effective Fade Margin |
EFM➣Edge Fault Model |
EFM➣Emitter File Memory |
EFM➣Extremely Flammable Materials |
EFM➣External Frequency Measurement |
EFM➣Ecosystems and Fisheries Management (Canada) |