Acronym | Definition |
CfH➣Connecting for Health |
CfH➣Cowboys from Hell (referring to the band Pantera) |
CfH➣Cold Fusion Hosting |
CfH➣Complement Factor H (gene) |
CfH➣Centre for the Humanities (Netherlands) |
CfH➣Cubic Feet per Hour |
CfH➣Call for Help (TechTV show) |
CfH➣Center for Homeless (South Bend, IN) |
CfH➣Chemical Fume Hood (laboratories) |
CfH➣Christian Fellowship Hospital (India) |
CfH➣Cape Fear Hospital (North Carolina) |
CfH➣Client from Hell |
CfH➣Company from Hell |
CfH➣Carle Foundation Hospital (Urbana, IL) |
CfH➣Complex Frequency Hopping |
CfH➣Canadian Food for the Hungry |
CfH➣Chefs for Humanity (anti-hunger organization) |
CfH➣Cash-Flow Hedge |
CfH➣Council on Family Health |
CfH➣Comité Français d'Hydrogéologie (French: French Committee of Hydrogeology) |
CfH➣Consortium Français de l'Habitation (French: French Consortium of Housing) |
CfH➣Centre de Formation Hôtelière (French: Hospitality Training Center; various locations) |
CfH➣Customer from Hell |
CfH➣Club Français du Hovawart (French dog club) |
CfH➣Certified Fuel Handler |
CfH➣Chet F Harritt School (Santee, CA) |
CfH➣Conseil en Facteurs Humains (French: Council on Human Factors) |
CfH➣Christus für Hannover (Christ for Hannover Church) |
CfH➣Contingency Forward Headquarters |
CfH➣Campaign for Humanity, Inc. |
CfH➣Christian Family Holiday (UK) |
CfH➣Continu-Forms Holdings (document management company; UK) |
CfH➣Cercle Français d'Hypnose (French: French Hypnosis Circle) |
CfH➣Communauté des Fans de Halo (French: Fans of Halo Community; gaming) |
CfH➣Compagnie Foncière Haussmann (French real estate company) |
CfH➣Centre de Formations Horticoles (French: Horticultural Training Center) |