Emin Pasha

Emin Pasha

(āmēn` pä`shä), 1840–92, German explorer, whose original name was Eduard Schnitzer. A physician, he served (1876–78) under Gen. Charles Gordon in Sudan as a district medical officer. In 1878 he succeeded Gordon as governor of Equatoria, the southernmost province of the Egyptian Sudan (now in South Sudan). In 1885 he was cut off from the outside world by the Mahdist uprising, and several European explorers—including Sir H. M. StanleyStanley, Sir Henry Morton,
1841–1904, Anglo-American journalist, explorer, and empire builder, b. Denbigh, Wales. He grew up in poverty and came to America as a worker on a ship, which he jumped (1858) in New Orleans.
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—were sent to rescue him. Although his position was not desperate, he agreed (1889) at length to accompany Stanley to Mombasa. He was murdered while engaged in exploration for Germany in the region of Lake Tanganyika.


See Sir Henry Stanley, In Darkest Africa, ed. by J. S. Keltie (1890, repr. 1969); studies by I. R. Smith (1972) and R. Jones (1973).

Emin Pasha


(real name, Eduard Schnitzer). Born Mar. 28, 1840, in Oppeln, now Opole, Poland; died Oct. 23, 1892, in Kanena, Congo Free State, now the Republic of Zaire. German colonial figure.

From 1865 to 1874 the future Emin Pasha lived in the Ottoman Empire, where he adopted Islam and took the name Muhammad al-Emin. In 1876 he entered the service of the Egyptian government as an official in the government of Equatoria Province in Sudan; he became governor of the province in 1878.

Emin Pasha received the title of Pasha in 1888. From 1877 to 1889, he made a number of expeditions along the upper course of the White Nile and in the Great Lakes district of East Africa. In 1890, Emin Pasha joined the service of the German government and became the head of an expedition whose goal was to extend Germany’s influence to the territory between German East Africa and Cameroon.