Emir Nezam

Emir Nezam


(the title assumed in 1847 by Mirza Taqi Khan; also known as Emir Kabir). Born 1808; died Jan. 9, 1852, in Kashan. Iranian state figure.

Emir Nezam became prime minister of Iran in 1848. In domestic policy, he sought to strengthen the feudal landowning class and the central government. He reorganized and built up the army, which he used to put down feudal revolts and the Babi Uprisings. He overcame a financial crisis, implemented measures to revive trade and handicrafts, and founded several state factories. Emir Nezam sought to limit the influence of the clergy on the courts, public education, and government administration. At his initiative, the first Persian-language newspaper in Iran was established in 1851, and the first secular school and lycée, for the children of the aristocracy, was founded in 1852.

In foreign policy, Emir Nezam attempted to deal with the countries of Europe on an equal footing and not to allow foreign intervention in Iran’s internal affairs. The clergy and certain feudal groups opposed Emir Nezam, who was relieved of all his duties and titles on Nov. 20, 1851, and exiled to Kashan, where he was murdered on the shah’s orders.


Ivanov, M. S. Babidskie vosstaniia v Irane [1848–1852]. Moscow-Leningrad, 1939.
Podol’skii, A. G. Reformy Amir Nizama. Moscow, 1950. (Dissertation abstract.)