Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway - Colorado

Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway - Colorado

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Dinosaur Journey Museum
550 Jurassic Ct
Fruita, CO 81521

Web: www.dinosaurdiamond.org Description:This route on the northern edge of the Colorado Plateau features some of the world's most significant dinosaur fossilquarries and museums. The Colorado section of the byway includesexcavation sites such as Dinosaur Hill in Fruita, the Museum of WesternColorado, DinosaurNational Monument, and Colorado National Monument. Recreationalopportunities along the route include biking, hiking, and camping.
Legth: 152 miles (Colorado section); 328 miles (Utah section). Start/Endpoint: The Colorado section of this two-state, 512-mile loop begins atDinosaur, just over the Utah border, runs south on SR 64 to Rangely,south on SR 139 to Loma, then east to Fruita on US 6 and GrandJunction. The byway then loops back to the Utah section, west on I-70to theColorado-Utah border. Time to Allow: 3 hours (Colorado section); 10 hours (entire byway). Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2002).

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