

单词 fdd
释义 DictionarySeeTDD



(1) (Frequency Division Duplexing) A transmission method that uses separate channels for the uplink and downlink (transmit and receive). If the channel frequencies are adjacent, a guard band may be used between them to reduce interference. Contrast with TDD.

(2) Abbreviation for floppy disk drive. See floppy disk.
FinancialSeefloppy disk


FDDFloppy Disk Drive
FDDFrequency Division Duplex
FDDFranchise Disclosure Document
FDDFeature-Driven Development
FDDFeature-Driven Development (software development methodology)
FDDForum for Democracy and Development (Zambia)
FDDFoundation for the Defense of Democracies
FDDFunctional Decomposition Diagram
FDDFonds pour le Développement Durable (French: Sustainable Development Fund; Switzerland)
FDDFaculté de Droit (French: Law School; Togo)
FDDFlexible Disk Drive
FDDFinancial Due Diligence
FDDForces for the Defense of Democracy (Burundi)
FDDFault Detection and Diagnosis
FDDFixed Disk Drive
FDDFrequency Diversity Duplex
FDDFluorescent Differential Display
FDDFonds de Dotation (French: Endowment Fund)
FDDFaune et Développement Durable (French: Wildlife and Sustainable Development; EU)
FDDFather Daughter Dance
FDDFunctional Design Document
FDDFocused District Development (NATO)
FDDFull Deployment Decision
FDDFood Distribution Division (USDA)
FDDFamilial Danish Dementia
FDDFinal Delivery Date
FDDFault Detection Diagnostic
FDDFirst Digitized Division
FDDFreight, Demurrage and Defense (also seen as FD&D; shipping industry)
FDDFerrari Démolition Désamiantage (French demolition company)
FDDFrequency of Drinking Days
FDDFreezing Degree Days
FDDFixed Date Departure (travel)
FDDForce Design Division
FDDFire Department Directory
FDDFunctional Decision Diagram
FDDFaçades Dallages et Déco (French building renovation company)
FDDFirst Dollar Defense (insurance)
FDDFirst Due Date
FDDFormation Diplômante Dérogatoire (French: Derogatory Diploma Course)
FDDForce Design Directorate
FDDFacility Design Description
FDDFunctional Description Document
FDDForeign Documents Division
FDDFinancial Data Disseminator
FDDForce Design and Development
FDDFunctional Decomposition Design
FDDFarm Ditch Density
FDDFormal Domain Definition
FDDFlexible Delivery Development (Sprint)
FDDFloating Digital Drive
FDDFamily Double Dare (TV show)
FDDFábrica do Design
FDDFilthy Difiler Disgrace
FDDFisheries Development Department




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