Buturlin, Dmitrii Petrovich
Buturlin, Dmitrii Petrovich
Born Apr. 30 (May 11), 1790; died Oct. 9 (21), 1849, in St. Petersburg. Russian military historian, major general (1824), senator (1833), and member of the State Council (1840).
Buturlin participated in the Patriotic War of 1812. In 1842 he became director of the Imperial Public Library and, in 1848, head of the Special Committee for Supervision of the Press. He was distinguished by his reactionary views. He wrote many works of military history, including a history of the Patriotic War of 1812, in which he followed the aristocratic-monarchical point of view and denied the popular character of war. In spite of this, Buturlin’s works are valuable for factual material.
Voennaia istoriia pokhodov rossiian v XVIII st., parts 1-3. St. Petersburg, 1819-23. (Translated from French.)Istoriia nashestviia imperatora Napoleona na Rossiiu v 1812, 2nd ed., parts 1-2. St. Petersburg, 1837. (Translated from French.)
Kartina osennego pokhoda 1813 g. v Germanii posle peremiriia, do obratnogo perekhoda frantsuzskoi armii cherez Rein. St. Petersburg, 1830. (Translated from French.)
Kartina voin Rossii s Turtsiei v tsarstvovaniia imperatritsy Ekateriny II i imperatora Aleksandra I, parts 1-2. St. Petersburg, 1829. (Translated from French.)