Butyrin, Iakov Petrovich

Butyrin, Iakov Petrovich


Born 1884; died Feb.24, 1919. Figure in the revolutionary movement in Russia; active participant in the establishment of Soviet power in the Northern Caucasus. Member of the RSDLP from 1903 (menshevik). Member of the Communist Party from 1919.

Butyrin was born into a poor peasant family in family in Voronezh Province. He studied in a railroad school in Tiflis and worked in Transcaucasia. He was deported to Arkhangel’sk Province for participation in the revolution of 1905-07. After his escape he conducted underground revolutionary work in Ekaterinoslav and Piatigorsk. After the February revolution of 1917, Butyrin was chairman of the Piatigorsk soviet and a delegate to the First Congress of Soviets in June 1917 in Petrograd. He attended all the Terek Oblast people’s congresses and was a member of the Terek people’s soviet. He was also Terek Republic people’s commissar of internal affairs, people’s commissar of military affairs, and people’s commissar of food and chairman of the Terek Republic council of people’s commissary. He died of typhus in the mountains of Ingushetiia.