Acronym | Definition |
CODP➣College of Digital Photography (South Africa) |
CODP➣Commission Ontarienne des Droits de la Personne (French: Ontario's Commission for Human Rights; Ontario, Canada) |
CODP➣Combination of Different Properties (genetic variants) |
CODP➣Children of Divorced Parents |
CODP➣Certified Organization Development Professional |
CODP➣Community Olympic Development Program (est. 1996) |
CODP➣Canara Organization for Development and Peace (India) |
CODP➣Care of the Dying Clinical Pathway (Queensland, Australia) |
CODP➣Customer Order Decoupling Point |
CODP➣College of Operating Department Practitioners |
CODP➣Computational Optical and Discharge Physics |
CODP➣Cycle-Oriented Distributed Pre-Configuration |