F.D.I. dental nomenclature

F.D.I. den·tal no·men·cla·ture

(den'tăl nō'mĕn-klā-chŭr) A system of identifying teeth; used worldwide, which identifies each dental quadrant (1-4 for the permanent teeth and 5-8 for the deciduous teeth) and each tooth with a number indicating its location from the midline; e.g., 36 is the lower left first permanent molar and 62 is the upper left deciduous lateral incisor; devised by the Fédération Dentaire Internationale (International Dental Federation).
See also: Palmer dental nomenclature, universal dental nomenclature

F.D.I. den·tal no·men·cla·ture

(den'tăl nō'mĕn-klā-chŭr) A system of identifying teeth; used worldwide, which identifies each dental quadrant (1-4 for the permanent teeth and 5-8 for the deciduous teeth) and each tooth with a number indicating its location from the midline; e.g., 36 is the lower left first permanent molar and 62 is the upper left deciduous lateral incisor; devised by Fédération Dentaire Internationale.