De la Warr, Thomas West, 12th Baron

De la Warr, Thomas West, 12th Baron

(dĕl`əwər), 1577–1618, English colonial governor of Virginia. He saw fighting in the Netherlands and was knighted when serving in Ireland. He succeeded to the peerage in 1602. In 1609 he was appointed first governor of Virginia (Sir Thomas GatesGates, Sir Thomas,
fl. 1585–1621, English colonial governor of Virginia. He was knighted for his services under the 2d earl of Essex in the successful expedition against Cádiz in 1596.
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 governed as deputy until De la Warr arrived). He sailed in Apr., 1610, with an expedition including Sir Samuel ArgallArgall, Sir Samuel
, d. 1626?, English ship captain, prominent in the early settlement of Virginia. He commanded a ship sent to Jamestown in 1609 and had charge of one of the ships Baron De la Warr brought to the failing colony in 1610.
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. On his arrival at Jamestown he found the settlers in such dire need that they were ready to return to England. He encouraged them to remain, sent Argall for supplies, and had forts built. Argall, on his voyage, sailed into the bay later called (after the governor) Delaware Bay. Lord De la Warr returned to England, and the colony was governed by Sir Thomas Gates and Sir Thomas Dale. De la Warr in his Relation … of the Colonies Planted in Virginia (1611) pleaded for the colony. He died during his second voyage to Virginia.