Act of the Scottish Parliament

Act of the Scottish Parliament

a legislative act of the SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT. The process is similar to that in Westminster. A parliamentary committee considers the bill's general principles. The bill is debated at a meeting of the Parliament. If the Parliament agrees to the general principles, thereafter the bill is considered in detail, by a committee or, in some cases, by a Committee of the Whole Parliament. Amendments can be made at this stage. At the next stage further amendments can be made and the bill is then discussed by the Parliament. The Parliament then votes on whether the bill should be passed or rejected. Because the Scottish Parliament is devolved from the UK Parliament, once a bill has been passed, there is a four-week period during which it may be challenged by the Law Officers if they believe that it is outside the law-making powers of the Scottish Parliament or if it may affect the law on reserved matters. If it is not challenged, it is then submitted by the PRESIDING OFFICER to the Queen for ROYAL ASSENT.