

单词 act on

act on

act on


act upon

vb (intr, preposition) 1. to regulate one's behaviour in accordance with (advice, information, etc)2. to have an effect on (illness, a part of the body, etc)
Verb1.act on - carry further or advanceact on - carry further or advance; "Can you act on this matter soon?"follow up on, pursuerun down, check out - trace; "We are running down a few tips"react, oppose - act against or in opposition to; "She reacts negatively to everything I say"
2.act on - regulate one's behavior in accordance with certain information, ideas, or adviceact on - regulate one's behavior in accordance with certain information, ideas, or advice; "The Founding Fathers acted on certain moral principles"act, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"


(ӕkt) verb1. to do something. It's time the government acted to lower taxes. 採取行動 做事,行事,行动,采取行动 2. to behave. He acted foolishly at the meeting. 行為表現 举止3. to perform (a part) in a play. He has acted (the part of Romeo) in many theatres; I thought he was dying, but he was only acting (= pretending). 扮演 扮演 noun1. something done. Running away is an act of cowardice; He committed many cruel acts. 行為 行为2. (often with capital) a law. Acts of Parliament. 法令 法令3. a section of a play. `Hamlet' has five acts. 戲劇的一幕 一幕4. an entertainment. an act called `The Smith Family'. 娛樂節目 文娱节目acting adjective temporarily carrying out the duties of. He is acting president of the society. 代理的 代理的ˈactorfeminine also ˈactress noun a performer in a play. 演員 演员act as to do the work or duties of. He acts as head of department when his boss is away. 擔任 担当act on1. to do something following the advice etc of someone. I am acting on the advice of my lawyer. 按照...行動 按照...行动2. to have an effect on. Certain acids act on metal. 對...起作用 对...起作用act on behalf of / act for to do something for (someone else); to act as the representative of (someone). My lawyer is acting on my behalf; He is also acting on behalf of my mother; She is acting for the headmaster in his absence. 擔任某人的代理人 代表某人行动in the act (of) at the exact moment (of doing something). He was caught in the act (of stealing my car). 正在(做某事)時 正当(做)...的时候 put on an act to pretend. I thought she had hurt herself but she was only putting on an act. 裝模作樣 装模作样

act on

act (up)on

1. To take action in a situation. The report is due tomorrow, so I need you to act on it immediately. Please act upon this subpoena for records at once.2. To take action that is strongly influenced by certain information or advice. ("Upon" is most commonly used to convey this meaning.) Acting upon my doctor's orders, I cleared my schedule and spent the week recuperating at home. A; "I can't believe he said that about us!" B: "Well, he's probably just acting on his mother's instruction, and that woman hates us."3. To impact in some way. The barking dogs next door are acting on my patience.See also: act

act (up)on something

 1. to take action on a particular problem. (Upon is more formal and less commonly used than on.) I will act on this immediately. 2. to take action because of some special information. The police refused to act upon his complaint because he was an ex-convict. 3. to perform on something, usually the stage (in a theater). Ken has never acted on the stage or in front of a camera.See also: act, on

act on

1. Also, act upon. Conduct oneself in accordance with or as a result of information or another action, as in I will act on my lawyer's advice, or The manager refused to act upon the hotel guest's complaints. [c. 1800] 2. Influence or affect, as in The baby's fussing acted on the sitter's nerves. [c. 1800] See also: act, on

act on

  • verb

Synonyms for act on

verb carry further or advance


  • follow up on
  • pursue

Related Words

  • run down
  • check out
  • react
  • oppose

verb regulate one's behavior in accordance with certain information, ideas, or advice

Related Words

  • act
  • move




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