dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery

dor·sal car·pal branch of ul·nar ar·ter·y

[TA] a branch of the ulnar artery that passes to the dorsal side of the carpus to enter the dorsal carpal network. Synonym(s): ramus carpalis dorsalis arteriae ulnaris [TA], ramus carpeus dorsalis arteriae ulnaris

dor·sal car·pal branch of ul·nar ar·ter·y

(dōr'săl kahr'păl branch ŭl'năr ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] A branch of the ulnar artery that passes to the dorsal side of the carpus to enter the dorsal carpal network.
Synonym(s): ramus carpalis dorsalis arteriae ulnaris, ramus carpeus dorsalis arteriae ulnaris.