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bv the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Bouvet Island
BV abbreviation for 1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Beata Virgo 2. bene vale [(for sense 1) Latin: Blessed Virgin; (for sense 2) Latin: farewell]B.V. Blessed Virgin. [< Latin Beāta Virgō] b.v. book value. bv
bv (networking)The country code for Bouvet Island.butterfly valve butterfly valve A valve used to control the flow of fluids; a disk controls flow through the port. Also called a butterfly damper.BV
BV Abbreviation for: bacterial vaginitis baculovirus balloon valvuloplasty bee venom best value (Medspeak-UK) biliverdin binocular vision biological value biventricular bleomycin and vincristine blood velocity blood vessels blood viscosity blood volumevaginosis (vaj?i-no'sis) [ vagina + -osis] An abnormality or disease of the vagina.bacterial vaginosis Abbreviation: BV Infection of the vagina by Gardnerella vaginalis. BV, formerly called Gardnerella vaginitis, is the most common form of vaginitis in the U.S. It is characterized by vaginal discharge with the absence of lactobacilli and an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria. Causes include new or multiple sexual partners, douching, and, possibly, cigarette smoking. It is unknown why the bacterial shift occurs; and, although sexual activity may play a role, women who have never had sexual intercourse have been affected. Diagnosis is confirmed by characteristic fishy odor produced when the vaginal discharge is mixed with 10% potassium hydroxide. A wet smear reveals vaginal epithelial cells that are heavily stippled with bacteria (clue cells). The pH of the discharge is always greater than 5.5. Treatment is with metronidazole, tinidazole, or clindamycin, antibiotics that in pill, cream, or gel form are effective against anaerobes but maintain lactobacilli. Asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy has been implicated in causing preterm labor. Treatment during pregnancy to reduce preterm delivery is controversial and is not recommended during the first trimester. Synonym: Gardnerella vaginalis vaginitis See: nonspecific vaginitis
bacterial vaginosis Abbreviation: BV Infection of the vagina by Gardnerella vaginalis. BV, formerly called Gardnerella vaginitis, is the most common form of vaginitis in the U.S. It is characterized by vaginal discharge with the absence of lactobacilli and an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria. Causes include new or multiple sexual partners, douching, and, possibly, cigarette smoking. It is unknown why the bacterial shift occurs; and, although sexual activity may play a role, women who have never had sexual intercourse have been affected. Diagnosis is confirmed by characteristic fishy odor produced when the vaginal discharge is mixed with 10% potassium hydroxide. A wet smear reveals vaginal epithelial cells that are heavily stippled with bacteria (clue cells). The pH of the discharge is always greater than 5.5. Treatment is with metronidazole, tinidazole, or clindamycin, antibiotics that in pill, cream, or gel form are effective against anaerobes but maintain lactobacilli. Asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy has been implicated in causing preterm labor. Treatment during pregnancy to reduce preterm delivery is controversial and is not recommended during the first trimester. Synonym: Gardnerella vaginalis vaginitis See: nonspecific vaginitisSee also: vaginosisBV
BVThe two-character ISO 3166 country code for BOUVET ISLAND.BV1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Bouvet Island. This would be the code used in international transactions to and from Bouvet Island bank accounts, though as the island is uninhabited, this is unlikely to be used.
2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Bouvet Island. This is used as an international standard for shipping to Benin.BV
Acronym | Definition |
BV➣Bureau Veritas | BV➣Bijvoorbeeld (Dutch: For Example) | BV➣Buena Vista | BV➣Bouvet Island | BV➣Breakdown Voltage | BV➣Book Value | BV➣Butterfly Valve (flow control device) | BV➣Best Value | BV➣Bacterial Vaginosis (medical) | BV➣Benevento (Italian Commune) | BV➣Beaulieu Vineyard (California) | BV➣Bound Volume (printed collection) | BV➣Besloten Vennootschap (Dutch: Limited Company) | BV➣Black & Veatch Corporation | BV➣Beroepsvereniging (Dutch: Professional Association) | BV➣Bon Voyage (The Sims 2 Expansion Pack) | BV➣Blood Vessel | BV➣Biological Value | BV➣Business Value | BV➣Beta Version | BV➣Blue Valentine (film) | BV➣Blood Volume | BV➣Boundary Value | BV➣Backing Vocals | BV➣Blessed Virgin | BV➣Brief Visit | BV➣Back View | BV➣Bridging Visa (various locations) | BV➣Binocular Vision | BV➣Breeding Value | BV➣Brightness Value | BV➣Bekende Vlaming (Dutch, Flemish) | BV➣Building Ventilation | BV➣Bombeiros Voluntários (Portuguese: Volunteer Firemen Corporation) | BV➣Betriebskostenverordnung (German) | BV➣Baja Verapaz (Guatemala; territorial division) | BV➣Blocking Voltage | BV➣Bad Vibe | BV➣Brachial Vein | BV➣Battlefield Visualization | BV➣Booster Vehicle (National Missile Defense ground based interceptor program) | BV➣Bereits Vorgelegt (German, legal) | BV➣Bewakingsvaartuig (Dutch: Surveillance Vessel) | BV➣Booking Value (sales commission calculation) | BV➣Bulletin of Verification (Canada Post) | BV➣Bureau Voucher | BV➣Building Void | BV➣Bus Vectored | BV➣Bourn-Vita (Cadbury's drink) | ThesaurusSeebutterfly valve |