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conus (ˈkəʊnəs) n, pl -ni (-ni) 1. (Anatomy) anatomy zoology any of several cone-shaped structures, such as the conus medullaris, the lower end of the spinal cord2. (Zoology) anatomy zoology any of several cone-shaped structures, such as the conus medullaris, the lower end of the spinal cordCONUS continental United States. TranslationsEncyclopediaSeeconus arteriosusConusenUK
conus [ko´nus] (pl. co´ni) (L.) cone.1. a cone-shaped structure.2. posterior staphyloma of the myopic eye.conus arterio´sus the anterosuperior portion of the right ventricle of the heart, at the entrance to the pulmonary trunk. Called also infundibulum.conus medulla´ris the cone-shaped lower end of the spinal cord, at the level of the upper lumbar vertebrae.Conus (kō'nŭs), A genus of shellfish that inhabits the shores of some South Pacific islands. Several species, Conus geographus, Conus textilis, Conus aulicus, Conus tulipa, and Conus marmoreus are poisonous, their sting or spine causing acute pain, edema, numbness, spreading paralysis, and sometimes coma and death. co·nus, pl. co·ni (kō'nŭs, -nī), 1. Synonym(s): cone2. Posterior staphyloma in myopic choroidopathy. [L. fr. G. kōnos, cone] Co·nus (kō'nŭs) A genus of shellfish that inhabits the shores of some South Pacific islands. Several species are poisonous, their sting or spine causing acute pain, edema, numbness, spreading paralysis, and sometimes coma and death.
co·nus, pl. coni (kō'nŭs, -ī) 1. Synonym(s): cone. 2. Posterior staphyloma in myopic choroidopathy. [L. fr. G. kōnos, cone]Conus A genus of carnivorous sea snails capable of producing lethal toxins. Death from these is reported to be painless. Conotoxins are peptides with a wide range of targets and are being extensively investigated. One of these, Ziconotide, is a selective blocker of n-type, voltage-sensitive calcium channels which are abundant in dorsal root ganglion cells and can be used for pain control. It does not affect opioid receptors.crescent, myopic A white area of sclera seen adjacent to the temporal side of the optic disc mainly in pathological myopia, but also sometimes in non-pathological myopia. The choroid and retinal pigment epithelium have atrophied in the crescent area, allowing the sclera to be seen. Syn. myopic conus; myopic scleral crescent.CONUS
Acronym | Definition |
CONUS➣Continental United States | CONUS➣Contiguous United States | CONUS➣Conterminous United States |