Acronym | Definition |
EGB➣Educación General Básica (Educación Primaria) |
EGB➣Extract of Ginkgo Biloba |
EGB➣Extended Game Board |
EGB➣Emerging Green Builders |
EGB➣Échantillon Généraliste de Bénéficiaires (French: General Sample of Beneficiaries; insurance) |
EGB➣Électricité Générale du Bâtiment (French: General Electric Building) |
EGB➣Exhaust Gas Bypass (engine technology) |
EGB➣Élan Gymnique de Blagnac (French gymnastics organization) |
EGB➣Environnement et Gestion de la Biodiversité (French: Environment and Biodiversity Management; degree) |
EGB➣École de Gardien de But (French: School Goalie) |
EGB➣European Government Bonds |
EGB➣Entreprise Garnachoise de Bâtiment (French construction business) |
EGB➣Équipement Gastronomique de Bourgogne (French: Gourmet Equipment Burgundy; Burgundy, France) |
EGB➣Elephant Ginger Beer (Sri Lanka) |
EGB➣Expertgamerbros |
EGB➣Electronic Gaming Business |
EGB➣Exhaust Gas Boiler |
EGB➣Economics of Global Business |
EGB➣Environmental Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry |
EGB➣Écuries du Grand Beaulieu (French horse stables) |
EGB➣Entreprise Générale Barbero (French general contractor) |
EGB➣Elite Guard Barracks (forum) |
EGB➣Erin Go Braugh |
EGB➣Electrical Ground Bus |