Acronym | Definition |
BVM➣Blessed Virgin Mary |
BVM➣Bag Valve Mask |
BVM➣Boite Vitesse Manuelle |
BVM➣Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (religious order) |
BVM➣Boite de Vitesses Manuelle (French: Manual Gearbox) |
BVM➣Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo (Uruguay stock exchange) |
BVM➣Bureau of Vehicle Management (Pennsylvania) |
BVM➣Bordereau de Versement Mensuel (French: Monthly Payment Voucher) |
BVM➣Beata Virgo Maria (Blessed Virgin Mary) |
BVM➣Bienheureuse Vierge Marie (French: Blessed Virgin Mary) |
BVM➣Blood Volume Monitor |
BVM➣Bulk Volume Moveable (geology) |
BVM➣BRI Voice Module |
BVM➣Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya Engineering College (India) |
BVM➣Bolsa de Valores Mexicana (Spanish: Mexican Stock Exchange) |
BVM➣Belgische Vereniging voor Microscopie |
BVM➣Boulonnerie Visserie du Midi (French hardware company) |
BVM➣Beyond Virtual Media |