Acronym | Definition |
CGME➣Council on Graduate Medical Education |
CGME➣Computação Gráfica Multimédia e Ensino (Portuguese) |
CGME➣Controlled Growth Mercury Electrode |
CGME➣CounterMoves Generic Microgame Engine (gaming) |
CGME➣Committee on Graduate Medical Education |
CGME➣Comprehensive Groundwater Monitoring Evaluation |
CGME➣Canine Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis |
CGME➣Chief Government Mining Engineer |
CGME➣Complete Guide to Middle-Earth (book by Robert Foster) |
CGME➣Cholesterol Granuloma of the Middle Ear |
CGME➣Consultative Group Meeting for Egypt |
CGME➣Clarins Groupe Middle East Ltd |
CGME➣China Glass Marble Earthenware |
CGME➣Computação Gráfica e Multimédia na Educação (Portuguese: Computer Graphics and Multimedia in Education) |