Acronym | Definition |
CGOA➣Crochet Guild of America (Zanesville, Ohio) |
CGOA➣Coastal Gulf of Alaska |
CGOA➣Central Gulf of Alaska |
CGOA➣Company Grade Officers' Association |
CGOA➣Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken (Netherlands) |
CGOA➣Club Grand Ouest Aviation |
CGOA➣Classic Glastron Owners Association |
CGOA➣Coast Guard Officers' Association |
CGOA➣Collège des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens d'Alsace (French: Alsace College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Strasbourg, Alsace, France) |
CGOA➣Clubs & Gyms in Oxford & Abingdon (UK) |
CGOA➣Czech Gas and Oil Association (now Czech Gas Association) |
CGOA➣Columbia Gorge Orchestra Association (Oregon) |
CGOA➣Czech Go Association |