释义 |
conventional thoracoplasty con·ven·tion·al tho·ra·co·plas·tyresection of ribs to allow inward retraction of the chest wall to reduce size of the pleural space; may be used in the treatment of empyema.conventional thoracoplasty (kən-vĕn′shə-nəl)n. Surgical removal of part of the ribs to allow inward retraction of the chest wall and collapse of a diseased lung.con·ven·tion·al thor·a·co·plas·ty (kŏn-ven'shŭn-ăl thōr'ă-kō-plas-tē) Resection of ribs to allow inward retraction of the chest wall to reduce size of the pleural space; may be used in the treatment of empyema. |