Delevan National Wildlife Refuge
Delevan National Wildlife Refuge
752 County Rd 99W
Willows, CA 95988
Established: 1962.
Location:80 miles north of Sacramento, California.
Facilities:Viewing sites.
Activities:Hunting, wildlife watching.
Special Features:Hundreds of thousands of ducks and geese use the refuge from November through January.
Habitats: 5,797 acres of seasonal marsh, permanent ponds, and uplands.
Access: Daylight hours year round.
Wild life: Migratory waterfowl, wintering peregrine falcon and bald eagle, tricolored blackbird and a large colony of the endangered palmate-bracted bird's beak. Also provides habitat for giant garter snake, beaver, muskrat, and black-tailed deer.
See other parks in California.