Curschmann spirals

Cursch·mann spi·rals

(kūrsh'mahn), spirally twisted masses of mucus occurring in the sputum in bronchial asthma.

Curschmann spirals

(kursh'man) [Heinrich Curschmann, Ger. physician, 1846–1910] Coiled spirals of mucus occasionally seen in sputum of asthma patients. See: sputum


Heinrich, German physician, 1846-1910. Curschmann-Batten-Steinert syndrome - rare hereditary condition resulting in atrophy of testicles in addition to muscle membrane abnormality which causes myotonia. Synonym(s): myotonia dystrophiaCurschmann disease - hyaloserositis of the liver. Synonym(s): frosted liverCurschmann spirals - spirally twisted masses of mucus occurring in the sputum in bronchial asthma.