Acronym | Definition |
BWI➣Baltimore/Washington International Airport (airport code) |
BWI➣British West Indies |
BWI➣Best Western International (hotel chain) |
BWI➣Building and Wood Workers' International |
BWI➣Boating While Intoxicated |
BWI➣Best Web Image (website design company; San Jose, CA) |
BWI➣Bretton Woods Institutions |
BWI➣Boating Writers International |
BWI➣Brendan Wood International (Toronto, ON, Canada) |
BWI➣Bicycling while Intoxicated (law) |
BWI➣Bill West Incorporated (Monroe, CT) |
BWI➣Battalia Winston International (various locations) |
BWI➣Bread for the World Institute |
BWI➣Bit Wear Index (engineering/geology) |
BWI➣Bandwidth Inheritance |
BWI➣Bench Warrant Issued |
BWI➣Boxed with Instructions (online selling) |
BWI➣Bureau of Workforce Investment (Pennsylvania) |
BWI➣Bond-Wire Interconnect |
BWI➣Business Works Inc. (Aiea, Hawaii) |
BWI➣Bound Word Inc. (creative arts; Monterey, CA) |