释义 |
convergencethe merging of distinct technologies, industries, or devices into a unified wholecon·ver·gence C0614200 (kən-vûr′jəns)n.1. The act, condition, quality, or fact of converging.2. Mathematics The property or manner of approaching a limit, such as a point, line, function, or value.3. The point of converging; a meeting place: a town at the convergence of two rivers.4. Physiology The coordinated turning of the eyes inward to focus on an object at close range.5. Biology The adaptive evolution of superficially similar structures, such as the wings of birds and insects, in unrelated species subjected to similar environments. Also called convergent evolution. con·ver′gent adj.convergence (kənˈvɜːdʒəns) n1. Also called: convergency the act, degree, or a point of converging2. concurrence of opinions, results, etc3. (Mathematics) maths the property or manner of approaching a finite limit, esp of an infinite series: conditional convergence. 4. (Computer Science) the combining of different forms of electronic technology, such as data processing and word processing converging into information processing5. (Biology) Also called: convergent evolution the evolutionary development of a superficial resemblance between unrelated animals that occupy a similar environment, as in the evolution of wings in birds and bats6. (Physical Geography) meteorol an accumulation of air in a region that has a greater inflow than outflow of air, often giving rise to vertical air currents. See also Intertropical Convergence Zone7. (Psychology) the turning of the eyes inwards in order to fixate an object nearer than that previously being fixated. Compare divergence6con•ver•gence (kənˈvɜr dʒəns) n. 1. an act or instance of converging. 2. a convergent state or quality. 3. the degree or point of converging. 4. a coordinated turning of the eyes to bear upon a near point. 5. a similarity of structure in unrelated organisms that is caused by similar environmental pressures. 6. a net flow of air into a given region. Also, con•ver′gen•cy (for defs. 1–3).[1705–15]con·ver·gence (kən-vûr′jəns)1. The act or process of converging; the tendency to meet in one point.2. Mathematics The property or manner of approaching a limit, such as a point, line, or value.3. Biology The evolution of superficially similar structures in unrelated species as they adapt to similar environments. An example of convergence is the development of fins independently in both fish and whales. Also called convergent evolution. Compare divergence.convergenceSee: convergence factor; grid convergence; grid convergence factor; map convergence; true convergence.ThesaurusNoun | 1. | convergence - the occurrence of two or more things coming togetherhappening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent - an event that happensencounter, meeting - a casual or unexpected convergence; "he still remembers their meeting in Paris"; "there was a brief encounter in the hallway" | | 2. | convergence - the approach of an infinite series to a finite limitconvergencyseries - (mathematics) the sum of a finite or infinite sequence of expressionsdivergency, divergence - an infinite series that has no limit | | 3. | convergence - a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena; "there was no overlap between their proposals"overlap, intersectioncrossroads - a point where a choice must be made; "Freud's work stands at the crossroads between psychology and neurology"interface - the overlap where two theories or phenomena affect each other or have links with each other; "the interface between chemistry and biology"internal representation, mental representation, representation - a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image | | 4. | convergence - the act of converging (coming closer)converging, convergencyjoining, connexion, connection - the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication); "the joining of hands around the table"; "there was a connection via the internet"merging, coming together, meeting - the act of joining together as one; "the merging of the two groups occurred quickly"; "there was no meeting of minds" |
convergencenoun meeting, junction, intersection, confluence, concentration, blending, merging, coincidence, conjunction, mingling, concurrence, conflux Hindon lies at the convergence of eight roads.convergencenoun1. A converging at a common center:concentration, confluence, conflux.2. The act or fact of coming together:concourse, confluence, gathering, junction, meeting.3. The act or fact of coming near:approach, coming, imminence, nearness.Translationsconverge (kənˈvəːdʒ) verb to (cause to) move towards or meet at one point. The roads converge in the centre of town. 會合 会聚conˈvergence noun 會合 会聚conˈvergent adjective 會合的 会聚的Convergence
convergence[kən′vər·jəns] (anthropology) Independent development of similarities between unrelated cultures. (evolution) Development of similarities between animals or plants of different groups resulting from adaptation to similar habitats. (electronics) A condition in which the electron beams of a multibeam cathode-ray tube intersect at a specified point, such as at an opening in the shadow mask of a three-gun color television picture tube; both static convergence and dynamic convergence are required. (geology) Diminution of the interval between geologic horizons. (hydrology) The line of demarcation between turbid river water and clear lake water. (mathematics) The property of having a limit for infinite series, sequences, products, and so on. (meteorology) The increase in wind setup observed beyond that which would take place in an equivalent rectangular basin of uniform depth, caused by changes in platform or depth. (neuroscience) The coming together of a group of afferent nerves upon a motoneuron of the ventral horn of the spinal cord. (oceanography) A condition in the ocean in which currents or water masses having different densities, temperatures, or salinities meet; results in the sinking of the colder or more saline water. (physics) The intersection of light beams or particles within a small region, or the narrowing of a single beam so that it passes through a small region. Convergence in biology, the evolutionary development of similar characteristics by organisms of distantly related groups; the acquisition of a similar structure as a result of similar environments and parallel natural selection. Owing to convergence, organs that perform the same function in different organisms acquire a similar structure. An example is the convergent resemblance of the shape of the body and fins of the extinct marine reptile ichthyosaurus, the mammal dolphin, and fish. The resemblances resulting from convergent evolution are superficial. A. A. MAKHOTIN
Convergence in linguistics, the assimilation of elements of a language (for example, sounds) or various languages (the opposite of divergence). Convergence of sounds often leads to the coincidence of two former phonemes in one; in some instances this is accounted for by a physical change in the sound (for example, the coincidence of the Proto-Germanic phonemes [θ] and [t] in the phoneme [t] in the Scandinavian languages: Swedish torn, English thorn); in others it is caused only by the internal reconstruction of the phonological system (for example, the coincidence of Russian [t] and [y] in one phoneme as a result of phonemization of the opposition of hard and soft consonants). Convergence of languages includes instances of the development by two or several languages of similar characteristics not to be explained by the common origin of these languages, as a result of territorial proximity, cultural ties, and the like.
Convergence in physiology, the coordinated movement of the visual axes of the two eyes toward a fixed object. It occurs as a result of the contraction of the medial rectus oculi and the partial contraction of the superior and inferior recti oculi of both eyes. Convergence is accompanied by contraction of the pupils (miosis) and the tension of accommodation. The unit of convergence is the meter angle, or the angle that the visual line forms with a perpendicular erected from the middle of the bridge of the nose when the eyes are fixed on a point at a distance of 1 m. For example, at two meter angles the eyes converge at a point at a distance of 0.5 m. Intensified convergence when there is considerable farsightedness (presbyopia) and weakened convergence when there is nearsightedness (myopia) may lead to strabismus.
Convergence in mathematics, the property, for a variable quantity, of having a limit. We may speak of the convergence of an infinite sequence, an infinite series, an infinite product, a continued fraction, an integral, and so on. The concept of convergence arises in the study of a mathematical entity, for example, when there can be constructed a sequence of, in some sense, simpler entities that approach the given entity—that is, that have the given entity as their limit. Thus, the sequence of perimeters of regular polygons inscribed in a circle may be used to compute the circumference of the circle, and the sequences of partial sums of the series representing certain functions may be used to compute the values of the functions. The convergence of a sequence {an}, n = 1,2,..., means that a finite limit exists for the sequence; 
In the case of a series 
convergence means that the sequence of partial sums 
of the series has a finite limit. The convergence of an infinite product b1b2 ... bn ... means that the sequence of finite products pn = b1b2 ... bn, n = 1, 2, ..., has a nonzero finite limit. For an integral 
of a function f(x) that is integrable over any finite interval [a, b], convergence means that when b → + ∞, the integrals have a finite limit 
which is known as an improper integral. The property of the convergence of various mathematical entities plays an important role in both theoretical and applied mathematics. Quantities or functions are often represented by means of convergent series. For example, the base e of the natural logarithms can be expanded in a convergent series: 
The function sin x can be expanded in a series that converges for all x; 
Such series may be used to approximate the corresponding quantities or functions. For this purpose, it is sufficient to take the sum of the initial terms of the series; the greater the number of terms taken, the greater the accuracy of the value obtained. Different series expansions can be found for the same quantities or functions. For example, 
To reduce the number of calculations and, consequently, to save time and reduce the number of errors, it is advisable in practical calculations to select from among the available series the series that converges most rapidly. Suppose two convergent series 
are given and rn = un + 1 + un + 2 + ... and ρn = vn + 1 + vn + 2 + ... are their remainders after the nth term. The first series is said to converge more rapidly than the second if 
For example, the series 
converges more rapidly than the series 
Other concepts of more rapidly converging series are also used. Various methods exist for improving the convergence of series. By means of such methods, a given series can be transformed into a more rapidly converging one. The concept of more rapid convergence is introduced for improper integrals in much the same way as for series; methods of improving the convergence of improper integrals also exist. The concept of convergence plays an important role in the solution of algebraic, differential, and integral equations, particularly in the finding of approximate numerical solutions. For example, the method of successive approximations can be used to obtain a sequence of functions that converges to the corresponding solution of a given ordinary differential equation. The existence of a solution under certain conditions is thereby proved; at the same time, a method is obtained for computing the solution to the desired accuracy. A well-developed theory of different convergent finite-difference methods exists for the numerical solution of both ordinary and partial equations (seeNET-POINT METHOD). Extensive use is made of computers in the practical approximate solution of equations. If the terms an of a sequence {an} are represented on a number line, the convergence of the sequence to a means that the distance between the points an and a becomes, and remains, arbitrarily small with increasing n. By using such a formulation, the concept of convergence can be extended to sequences of points in the plane, in space, and in more general entities. It is required here that a concept of distance can be defined that has all the usual properties of the distance between points in space. The notion of convergence can thus be extended to sequences of such entities as vectors, matrices, functions, and geometric figures (seeMETRIC SPACE). If a sequence {an} converges to a, then outside any neighborhood of a there lie only a finite number of terms of the sequence. This formulation permits the concept of convergence to be extended to sets of more general types of quantities where the concept of neighborhood is defined. Mathematical analysis makes use of various types of convergence of a sequence of functions {fn(x)} to a function f(x) (on some set M). If 
for every point x0 in M, we speak of convergence everywhere; if this equality is violated only by points forming a set of measure zero (see), we speak of convergence almost everywhere. In spite of its naturalness, the concept of convergence everywhere has many undesirable features. For example, a sequence of continuous functions may converge everywhere to a discontinuous function; the convergence of the functions fn(x) to f(x) everywhere does not in general imply that the integrals of fn(x) converge to the integral of f(x). The concept of uniform convergence, which is free of these shortcomings, was therefore introduced. A sequence {fn(x) is said to converge uniformly to f(x) on the set M if 
This type of convergence corresponds to the following definition of the distance between the functions f(x) and ϕ(x): 
D. F. Egorov proved that if a sequence of measurable functions converges almost everywhere on a set M, a subsequence of arbitrarily small measure may be removed from M so that uniform convergence holds for the remaining portion. The concept of convergence in the mean is used extensively in the theory of, for example, integral equations and orthogonal series. A sequence {fn(x)} converges in the mean of order two to f(x) on the interval [a, b] if 
More generally, a sequence {fn(x)} converges in the mean of order p to f(x) if 
This type of convergence corresponds to the following definition of the distance between two functions: 
Uniform convergence on a finite closed interval implies convergence in the mean of any order p. The sequence of partial sums of the expansion of a square integrable function ϕ(x) in a series of normalized orthogonal functions may diverge everywhere, but such a series always converges in the mean of order two to φ(x). Other types of convergence are also considered, for example, convergence in measure. Here, for any ∈ > 0, the measure of the set of points at which ǀfn(x) – f(x)ǀ < ∈ approaches zero as n increases. Weak convergence is defined as follows: 
for any square integrable function ϕ(x). For example, the sequence of functions sin x, sin 2x, ..., sin nx, ..., converges weakly to zero on the interval [–π, π], since for any square integrable function ϕ(x) the coefficients 
of the Fourier series approach zero. The above concepts, along with many other concepts, of the convergence of a sequence of functions are systematically studied in functional analysis, which deals with various linear spaces with a specified norm (distance from zero)—that is, Banach spaces. Concepts of the convergence of functionals, operators, and so on may be introduced for these spaces when the norm is defined in an appropriate manner. Weak convergence, defined by the condition 
for all linear functionals, is considered in Banach spaces, as is strong convergence. The above definition of weak convergence of functions corresponds to the norm 
In modern mathematics convergence in partially ordered sets is also considered. The concepts of convergence with probability 1 and convergence in probability are used in probability theory for sequences of random variables. Such mathematicians of antiquity as Euclid and Archimedes in effect made use of infinite series to find areas and volumes. These mathematicians employed rigorous arguments along the lines of the method of exhaustion to prove the convergence of series. The term “convergence” was first used with respect to series in 1668 by J. Gregory in his study of certain methods of computing the area of circles and hyperbolic sectors. The mathematicians of the 17th century generally had a clear notion of the convergence of the series they employed. From the modern standpoint, however, their convergence proofs lacked rigor. In 18th-century analysis, extensive use was made, particularly by L. Euler, of series that were known to diverge. Numerous misunderstandings and errors subsequently resulted, which were not eliminated until the development of a clear theory of convergence. On the other hand, the work of the 18th-century mathematicians with divergent series anticipated the modern theory of the summation of divergent series. Rigorous methods of investigating the convergence of series were developed in the 19th century by such mathematicians as A. Cauchy, N. Abel, K. Weierstrass, and B. Bolzano. The concept of uniform convergence was introduced by G. Stokes. Further extensions of the concept of convergence were associated with the development of the theory of functions, functional analysis, and topology. REFERENCESIl’in, V. A., and E. G. Pozniak. Osnovy matematicheskogo analiza, 3rd ed., vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1971–73. Kudriavtsev, L. D. Matematicheskii analiz, 2nd ed., vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1970. Nikol’skii, S. M. Kurs matematicheskogo analiza, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1973.convergence i. The condition that exists when the distribution of winds within a given area is such that there is a net horizontal inflow of air into the area. In convergence at lower levels, the removal of the resulting excessive air is accompanied by upward movement. Clouds and rain are likely to occur in areas of low-level convergent winds. ii. As it relates to aerial photography interpretation, it means the turning of two eyes while viewing an object. The convergence of the eyes is a clue to distance. The eyes converge more for nearby points and less for farther points.convergence(1) The combining of two or more disciplines, industries or products. See digital convergence, fixed mobile convergence and hyperconverged infrastructure.
(2) In a CRT, the intersection of red, green and blue electron beams on one pixel. Poor convergence decreases resolution and muddies white pixels.convergence
convergence [kon-ver´jens] the coordinated inclination of the two lines of sight towards their common point of fixation, or the point itself.con·ver·gence (kon-ver'jens), 1. The tending of two or more objects toward a common point. 2. The direction of the visual lines to a near point. [L. con-vergere, to incline together] convergence (kən-vûr′jəns)n.1. The act, condition, quality, or fact of converging.2. Mathematics The property or manner of approaching a limit, such as a point, line, function, or value.3. The point of converging; a meeting place: a town at the convergence of two rivers.4. Physiology The coordinated turning of the eyes inward to focus on an object at close range.5. Biology The adaptive evolution of superficially similar structures, such as the wings of birds and insects, in unrelated species subjected to similar environments. Also called convergent evolution. con·ver′gent adj.Informatics The fusing of culture and concept into a single product; the melding of disparate technologies into a single user modality, such as multipurpose fax/printers, Internet telephony, Web phones, cable modems and VOIP Medspeak The merging of a thing Optics The degree of alignment of images or pictures of the 3 colours—red, green and blue—in video cameras and computer monitorsconvergence Informatics The melding of disparate technologies into a single user modality, such as multipurpose fax/printers, internet telephony, Web phones, cable modems and voice-over-IP Optics The degree of alignment of images or pictures of the 3 primary colors—red, green and blue—in video cameras and computer monitorscon·ver·gence (kŏn-vĕr'jĕns) 1. The tending of two or more objects toward a common point. 2. The direction of the visual lines to a near point. [L. con-vergere, to incline together]convergence or convergent evolution or parallelism a form of evolution which results in unrelated organisms independently producing similarities of form, usually because they become adapted to living in similar types of environment. For example, fish and cetaceans have evolved similar streamlined body shapes and fins.convergence 1. Movement of the eyes turning inward or towards each other (Fig. C15). 2. Characteristic of a pencil of light rays directed towards a real image point. See angle of convergence; vergence. convergence accommodation See convergence accommodation. accommodative convergence That component of convergence which occurs reflexly in response to a change in accommodation.It is easily demonstrated by having one eye fixate from a far point to a near point along its line of sight, while the other eye is occluded. The occluded eye will be seen to make a convergence movement in response to the accommodation. Alternatively, one eye fixates while the other is occluded. If a minus lens is placed in front of the fixating eye, the occluded eye will be seen to converge. Syn. accommodative vergence; associative convergence. See fusional convergence; initial convergence; proximal convergence; motor fusion. amplitude of convergence The angle through which each eye is turned from the far to the near point of convergence. Syn. amplitude of triangulation. See metre angle. correction induced convergence Convergence induced when changing from spectacles to contact lenses in near vision. Spectacles centred for distance vision induce base-in prisms in myopes and base-out prisms in hyperopes, in near vision. Thus, a spectacle-wearing myope converges less and a spectacle-wearing hyperope converges more than an emmetrope fixating at a given distance (Fig. C16). Optically centred contact lenses do not induce any prismatic effect and the amount of convergence remains the same for all refractive errors. Consequently, myopes require more convergence and hyperopes less convergence when they transfer from spectacles to contact lenses. However, this change in convergence is accompanied by a similar change in accommodation, so that a myope transferring to contact lenses converges and accommodates more than with spectacles and the reverse applies for a hyperope. See correction induced accommodation; induced prism. convergence excess A high esophoria at near, associated with a relatively orthophoric condition at distance. It usually gives rise to complaints of headaches and other symptoms of asthenopia accompanying prolonged close work. See accommodative excess. far point of convergence The farthest point where the lines of sight intersect when the eyes diverge to the maximum. fusional convergence That component of convergence which is induced by fusional stimuli or which is available in excess of that required to overcome the heterophoria. It is usually a positive fusional convergence, but in some cases the eyes need to diverge to obtain fusion and this is called negative fusional convergence. An example is the movement of the eyes from the passive (one eye covered, the other fixating an object) to the active (both eyes fixating foveally the same object) position. However, as disparate retinal stimuli are a more powerful component of convergence than fusion, the concept of fusional convergence is being substituted by motor fusion (or disparity vergence). See accommodative convergence; initial convergence; proximal convergence; relative convergence; motor chiastopic fusion fusion; orthopic fusion; vergence facility. fusional reserve convergence See relative convergence. initial convergence Movement of the eyes from the physiological position of rest to the position of single binocular fixation of a distant object in the median plane and on the same level as the eyes. Initial convergence is triggered by the fixation reflex. See accommodative convergence; fusional convergence; physiological position of rest. instrument convergence See proximal convergence. convergence insufficiency An inability to converge, or to maintain convergence, usually associated with a high exophoria at near and a relatively orthophoric condition at distance. It results in complaints of fatigue or even diplopia due to the inability to maintain (and sometimes even to obtain) adequate convergence for prolonged close work. Treatment includes orthoptic exercises (e.g. the pencil-to-nose exercise or pencil push-up in which the tip of a pencil is moved slowly towards the eyes while it is maintained singly for as long as possible and this procedure is repeated until the pencil can be brought within 10 cm before doubling occurs), or a reading addition sometimes with BI prisms. See accommodative insufficiency. near point of convergence (NPC) The nearest point where the lines of sight intersect when the eyes converge to the maximum. This point is normally about 8-10 cm from the spectacle plane. If further away, the patient may have convergence insufficiency. negative convergence See divergence. proximal convergence That component of convergence initiated by the awareness of a near object. For example, when looking into an instrument the image may be at optical infinity yet proximal convergence may be initiated. Syn. instrument convergence; psychic convergence; proximal vergence. See proximal accommodative. psychic convergence See proximal convergence. relative convergence That amount of convergence which can be exerted while the accommodation remains unchanged. Clinically, it is measured by using prisms base-out (positive relative convergence or positive fusional convergence) (Fig. C17) and/or base-in (negative relative convergence or negative fusional convergence) to the limits of blur but single binocular vision. Beyond that limit accommodation changes. If the power of the base-out prism is increased the image, though blurred, will still appear single until the limit of fusional convergence is reached and the image appears double (break point). The prism before the eyes now represents the positive fusional reserve convergence (positive fusional reserve). Similarly, increasing the base-in prism, one reaches the break point, which represents the negative fusional reserve convergence (negative fusional reserve). Syn. relative vergence. See Percival criterion; Sheard criterion; binocular vision single zone of clear. tonic convergence See tonic vergence. total convergence See angle of convergence. voluntary convergence Ability to converge the eyes without the aid of a fixation stimulus. Few people possess this ability but it can be trained in most people. " > Fig. C15 Convergence from a distant to a near object N " > Fig. C16 Prismatic effects induced when an observer fixates a near object X wearing spectacle lenses centred for distance vision (A, plus lenses induce base-out prismatic effects and the hyperope overconverges to X′; B, minus lenses induce base-in prismatic effects and the myope underconverges to X′) " > Fig. C17 Base-out prisms cause positive relative convergence movements of the eyescon·ver·gence (kŏn-vĕr'jĕns) The tending of two or more objects toward a common point. [L. con-vergere, to incline together]Convergence
ConvergenceThe movement of the price of a futures contract toward the price of the underlying cash commodity. At the start, the contract price is usually higher because of time value. But as the contract nears expiration, and time value decreases, the futures price and the cash price converge. More generally, convergence trading involves taking two related assets that have different prices with the expectation that prices will converge (the cheaper asset is purchased and the more expensive is sold short).ConvergenceThe fact that the futures price and the spot price for a given asset approach one another as a futures contract on that asset approaches maturity. At maturity, the two prices should be equal. The existence of convergence is the basis for the theory that forward rates equal future spot rates, though this idea is more controversial.convergence The process by which the futures price and the cash price of an underlying asset approach one another as delivery date nears. The futures and cash prices should be equal on the delivery date.convergence Related to convergence: convergence technologiesSynonyms for convergencenoun meetingSynonyms- meeting
- junction
- intersection
- confluence
- concentration
- blending
- merging
- coincidence
- conjunction
- mingling
- concurrence
- conflux
Synonyms for convergencenoun a converging at a common centerSynonyms- concentration
- confluence
- conflux
noun the act or fact of coming togetherSynonyms- concourse
- confluence
- gathering
- junction
- meeting
noun the act or fact of coming nearSynonyms- approach
- coming
- imminence
- nearness
Synonyms for convergencenoun the occurrence of two or more things coming togetherRelated Words- happening
- natural event
- occurrence
- occurrent
- encounter
- meeting
noun the approach of an infinite series to a finite limitSynonymsRelated WordsAntonymsnoun a representation of common ground between theories or phenomenaSynonymsRelated Words- crossroads
- interface
- internal representation
- mental representation
- representation
noun the act of converging (coming closer)SynonymsRelated Words- joining
- connexion
- connection
- merging
- coming together
- meeting