Chadron State Park

Chadron State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Nebraska
Location:9 miles south of Chadron on US 385.
Facilities:88 campsites (70 with electrical hookups), modern restrooms, showers,22 cabins, picnic areas, 5 picnic shelters, playground, craft center,snack bar, swimming pool, hiking trails (6 miles), mountain bike trails (4 miles), mountainbike rentals, paddleboat rentals, concessions.
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, horseback trail rides, interpretive programs.
Special Features:At an elevation of nearly 5,000 feet, park lies in the heart of theNebraska National Forest (see separate entry in national forestssection) and is dominated by ponderosa pines.
Address:15951 Hwy 385
Chadron, NE 69337

Size: 972 acres.

See other parks in Nebraska.