Acronym | Definition |
ETC➣Electronic Toll Collection |
ETC➣Et Cetera (Latin: And So Forth) |
ETC➣Estimated Time of Completion |
ETC➣Educational Technology |
ETC➣Entertainment Technology Center |
ETC➣Everything to Connect |
ETC➣Electronic Theatre Controls (theatre equipment company) |
ETC➣Educate the Children (various locations) |
ETC➣Embracing the Child |
ETC➣Electron Transport Chain (cellular respiration) |
ETC➣Expanding the Circle (various organizations) |
ETC➣European Topic Centre (eionet) |
ETC➣European Topic Centre |
ETC➣Electronic Throttle Control |
ETC➣Energy Technology Company |
ETC➣Exchange-Traded Commodities (UK) |
ETC➣Education and Training Committee (various organizations) |
ETC➣Enhanced Telecommunications Corporation (Indiana) |
ETC➣Estimated Total Cost |
ETC➣European Territorial Cooperation (EU) |
ETC➣End of Thinking Capacity |
ETC➣Entertainment Central (Philippines TV channel) |
ETC➣Environmental Tectonics Corporation |
ETC➣Educational Technology Conference (various locations) |
ETC➣Endogenous Technological Change |
ETC➣Engineering Technology Company |
ETC➣Export Trading Company |
ETC➣Espio the Chameleon (fictional character) |
ETC➣Education and Training Consultancy (various organizations) |
ETC➣Equity Trust Company (Elyria, OH) |
ETC➣Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation |
ETC➣Ensemble Theatre Company (Los Angeles, CA) |
ETC➣Electronic Traction Control (automobiles) |
ETC➣Engineering Technology Centre (UK) |
ETC➣Experimental Television Center (Owego, NY) |
ETC➣Emerging Technologies Conference |
ETC➣European Transport Conference (Association for European Transport) |
ETC➣E-Training Center (various organizations) |
ETC➣European Travel Commission |
ETC➣Education, Travel & Culture (Portland, OR) |
ETC➣Estimate To Complete (Cost) |
ETC➣European Technology Centre (various locations) |
ETC➣Experimental Theatre Club (University of Oxford; UK) |
ETC➣English Tourism Council |
ETC➣Enrichment Technology Company (Netherlands) |
ETC➣Education and Training Consortium |
ETC➣Event Tag Collection |
ETC➣Eldorado Touring Coupe |
ETC➣Enable Threshold Comparison |
ETC➣Enterprise Technology Centre |
ETC➣Electronic Traction Control |
ETC➣Execution Trace Cache |
ETC➣Et Caetera |
ETC➣Environmental Training Center |
ETC➣Environmental Training Centre (various locations) |
ETC➣Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH) |
ETC➣Environmental Traveling Companions (San Francisco, CA) |
ETC➣ET Company |
ETC➣Engineered Tissue Construct |
ETC➣Equal Treatment Commission (various locations) |
ETC➣Eastern Transportation Corridor (California) |
ETC➣Erosion, Technology and Concentration |
ETC➣Environmental Technology Centre (Canadian government agency) |
ETC➣Early Termination Charges |
ETC➣Employee Transportation Coordinator |
ETC➣Education To Careers |
ETC➣Environmental Toxicology Center (University of Wisconsin) |
ETC➣Emergency Trauma Center |
ETC➣Eastern Technology Council |
ETC➣Earth Terrain Camera (astrophysics) |
ETC➣Elapsed Time Counter |
ETC➣Equipment Trust Certificate (Aero financing) |
ETC➣Extended Teaching Care (various locations) |
ETC➣Election Technology Council |
ETC➣Electricity Transmission Company |
ETC➣Eldorado Touring Coupe (Cadillac automobile) |
ETC➣Environmental Technology Council |
ETC➣Extra-Tropical Cyclone (meteorology) |
ETC➣Electronic Trade Confirmation |
ETC➣Chief Electronics Technician (Naval Rating) |
ETC➣European Transportation Consultancy (Czech Republic) |
ETC➣Ear Technology Corporation (Johnson City, TN) |
ETC➣Everyday Thoughts Collected (blog) |
ETC➣Ethiopian Tourism Commission |
ETC➣Electronic Trading Community |
ETC➣Esophageal Tracheal Combitube |
ETC➣Electro-Thermal Chemical |
ETC➣English Technology Center (various locations) |
ETC➣Echostar Technologies Corporation |
ETC➣Educational Technologies Center |
ETC➣European Training Course |
ETC➣Electro Thermal Chemical |
ETC➣Estonian Trade Council (est. 1991) |
ETC➣Electronic Ticket Capture |
ETC➣Exportable Training Capability (US DoD) |
ETC➣European Tea Committee (Germany) |
ETC➣Embedded Training Capability |
ETC➣Eastbourne Technology College (UK) |
ETC➣Ethernet Tributary Card |
ETC➣Estimated Time of Commencement |
ETC➣Echo Tracker Classifier |
ETC➣European Technology Consultants (contact centre, website, mobile and DTV design and implementation) |
ETC➣Evangelizadores de Tiempo Completo (Spanish) |
ETC➣Education Television Channel |
ETC➣Entertainment That Counts (TV show) |
ETC➣Evergreen Tandem Club (Seattle, WA bicycle club) |
ETC➣European Training and Research Center for Human Rights and Democracy (Graz, Austria) |
ETC➣Eligible Telecom Carrier (Western Digital) |
ETC➣Enterprise Team Collaboration (software) |
ETC➣Energy Training Complex |
ETC➣Earth Terminal Complex |
ETC➣Exchange Terminal Circuit (Sprint) |
ETC➣Enhanced Throughput Cellular protocol (Paradyne) |
ETC➣Efficient Transport Chains (shipping) |
ETC➣European Theater Convention |
ETC➣ECHO Technical Committee |
ETC➣European Transportation Carrier (European Space Agency) |
ETC➣Electronics Test Center (Canada) |
ETC➣Easy Trucking Company |
ETC➣East Theater Company (East High School; Denver, CO) |
ETC➣Efficient Transportation for the Community (Florida) |
ETC➣Engineering Technical Code |
ETC➣Enhanced Terminal Capability |
ETC➣Exportable Training Center |
ETC➣Engineering Topographic Command |
ETC➣Environmental Tree Consultancy (Ireland) |
ETC➣Evaporator Thermostat Circuit |
ETC➣Extended Tree Collapsing |