

or bye-pref.1. By: bygone.2. Secondary, incidental: byway.




prefix1. near: bystander. 2. secondary or incidental: by-effect; by-election; bypath; by-product. [from by]



prep., adv., adj., n., pl. byes. prep. 1. near to or next to: a home by a lake. 2. over the surface of, through the medium of, along, or using as a route: She came by air. 3. on, as a means of conveyance: to arrive by ship. 4. to and beyond a place; past: We drove by the church. 5. during: by day; by night. 6. not later than: I'll be done by five o'clock. 7. to the extent or amount of: taller by three inches. 8. from the evidence or authority of: By his own account he was there. 9. according to: a bad movie by any standards. 10. through the agency of: The booklet was issued by the government. 11. from the hand or invention of: a poem by Emily Dickinson. 12. as a result or on the basis of: We met by chance. 13. in support of; for: to do well by one's children. 14. (of things in succession) after; next after: piece by piece. 15. (in multiplication) taken the number of times as that specified by the second number, or multiplier: Multiply 18 by 57. 16. (in measuring shapes, spaces, etc.) with another dimension of: a room 10 feet by 12 feet. 17. (in division) separated into the number of equal parts as that specified by the second number, or divisor: Divide 99 by 33. 18. in terms or amounts of: Apples are sold by the bushel. 19. begot or born of: She had a son by her first husband. 20. (of quadrupeds) having as a sire: Equipoise II by Equipoise. 21. one point toward on the compass: N by NE. 22. to, into, or at: Come by my office this afternoon. adv. 23. at hand; near: The school is close by. 24. to and beyond a point; past: The car drove by. 25. aside; away: to lay by money for retirement. 26. to or at someone's home, office, etc.: Stop by later. 27. past; over: in times gone by. adj. 28. situated to one side: a by passage. 29. incidental: a by comment. n. 30. bye 1 . Idioms: 1. by and by, before long; presently. 2. by and large, in general; on the whole. Also, bye. [before 900; Middle English; Old English ]



interj. bye 2 .


a combining form of by1: by-product; bystander. Compare bye-.