(operating system)Following the failure of OS, IBM designed DOS for the lowend machines, able to run in 16KB(?) and 64KB memory.
DOS/360 used three memory partitions, but it had no seriousmemory protection. The three partitions were notspecialised, but frequently one was used for spoolingpunched cards to disk, another one for batch jobexecution and another for spooling disk to printers.
With DOS/VS, introduced in 1970, the number of partitions wasincreased, virtual memory was introduced and the minimummemory requirements increased.
Later they released DOS/VSE and ESA/VSE. DOS/360 successorsare still alive today (1997) though not as popular as in thelate 1960s.
Contrary to the Hacker's Jargon File, GECOS was not copiedfrom DOS/360.