diphenylarsenyl chloride, (C6H5)2AsCl; colorless crystals. Melting point, ~38°C; boiling point, 333°C; density, 1.3870 g/cm3 (42°C); index of refraction nD56, 1.6332. It is insoluble in water but readily soluble in most organic solvents. It reacts readily with water and alkalies and oxidizes rather readily. It is made by reducing diphenylarsenic acid, (C6H5)2AsO(OH), with sulfur dioxide in concentrated hydrochloric acid.
In the form of smoke or vapor, diphenylchloroarsine irritates the upper respiratory passages, causing uncontrollable sneezing and coughing (unendurable concentration, 1 mg/m3). During World War I it was extensively used by Germany as a poison under the code name Klark I.