

单词 diphyllobothrium latum

Diphyllobothrium latum

Diphyllobothrium latum

[dī‚fil·ō′bäth·rē·əm ′lād·əm] (invertebrate zoology) A large tapeworm that infects humans, dogs, and cats; causes anemia and disorders of the nervous and digestive systems in humans.

Diphyllobothrium latum

Di·phyl·lo·both·ri·um la·'tum

the broad or broad fish tapeworm, a species that causes diphyllobothriasis, found in humans and fish-eating mammals in many parts of northern Europe, Japan and elsewhere in Asia, and in Scandinavian populations of the American north central states and in north American Inuit populations; it often has 3000-4000 segments, broader than long; the head has typical bothria characteristic of the genus. Synonym(s): Dibothriocephalus latus
A tapeworm that parasitises freshwater fish of temperate zones in the Northern hemisphere—D pacificum infestation occurs in marine fish off Peru
Definitive hosts Humans, domestic pets, other mammals
D latum is the largest known vertebrate tapeworm, measuring 10 meters in length with 4000 proglottids—most distal proglottids disintegrate, releasing eggs into the faeces; these mature and hatch into ciliated coracium, which are ingested by the first intermediate host, an aquatic arthropod, the copepod, and then ingested by a second intermediate host, a freshwater fish—e.g., salmon, trout, and whitefish; the eggs develop into procercoid larvae in the fish muscle and viscera and are eaten by man as raw fish and the cycle continues
Management Niclosamide
DIPHYLLOBOTHRIUM LATUM: Passed in patient's stool.

Diphyllobothrium latum

A species that is native to Scandinavia, the Baltics, and western Russia, and is now found in North America, esp. the Pacific Northwest, that infests fish and mammals. The adult lives in the intestine of fish-eating mammals, including humans. It is the largest tapeworm infesting humans and may reach a length of 50 to 60 ft (15.2 to 18.3 m); the average is 20 ft (6.1 m). The eggs develop into ciliated larvae that are eaten by small crustaceans called copepods. The larvae pass through several stages in the copepods and develop further after the copepods are eaten by fish, finally encysting in fish muscle. People acquire the infection by eating raw or poorly cooked fish that contains cysts. Infection can be prevented by thoroughly cooking all freshwater fish or by keeping the fish frozen at -10°C (14°F) for 48 hr before eating. Synonym: broad tapeworm; fish tapeworm See: illustration


Patients often report abdominal pain, weight loss, digestive disorders, progressive weakness, and symptoms of pernicious anemia because the worm absorbs ingested vitamin B12 from the gastrointestinal tract.


Praziquantel is used to treat the infestation.

illustrationSee also: Diphyllobothrium

Diphyllobothrium latum

A tapeworm having intermediate hosts in the freshwater crustacean Cyclops and then in fish. The worm is acquired by humans through eating fish. Infestation is fairly common in Finland and Scandinavia.




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