Acronym | Definition |
EMN➣École des Mines de Nantes (French: French School of Mines Nantes; Nantes, France) |
EMN➣Entretien Maintenance Nettoyage (French cleaning company) |
EMN➣Electronic Mail Notification (Open Mobile Alliance) |
EMN➣European Migration Network (est. 2003) |
EMN➣Espace Moselle Numérique (French: Moselle Digital Space; Moselle, France) |
EMN➣Early Morning News |
EMN➣École de Musique du Nogentais (French music school) |
EMN➣Equity Market Neutral (investing) |
EMN➣École des Mines de Nancy (French: Nancy School of Mines; Nancy, France) |
EMN➣Europe Méditerranée Nautisme (French: Europe Mediterranean Yachting) |
EMN➣École Nationale de la Magistrature (French National School for the Training of Judges and Prosecutors) |
EMN➣European Motor News (UK) |
EMN➣Environmental Markets Network (business environment organization) |
EMN➣EarthLink Municipal Networks |
EMN➣Electromagnetic Noise |