

单词 fdm



abbreviation for (Telecommunications) frequency-division multiplex. See multiplex



(communications) frequency-division multiplexing


(1) (Fused Deposition Modeling) See 3D printing.

(2) (Frequency Division Multiplexing) Transmitting multiple data signals simultaneously over a single channel. Each data stream (text, voice, video, etc.) is modulated onto a carrier with a unique center frequency by the multiplexor and demodulated at the receving end (see modulation and carrier). FDM works in both wired and wireless applications (see FDMA).

It Started in the 1930s
In the 1930s, the telephone companies began to use FDM to combine multiple analog voice signals over one line to maximize efficiency of their long distance trunks. During the 1960s, FDM was replaced with TDM, its digital counterpart (see TDM and channel bank).

Cable TV companies use FDM to transmit hundreds of channels of analog and digital TV as well as Internet over a single coaxial cable. The set-top box or TV tuner locks onto a particular frequency (channel) and demodulates the carrier to derive the data for the TV screen. The cable modem both modulates and demodulates the appropriate carriers to provide bi-directional operation for Internet access. See FDMA, OFDM, circuit switching and WDM.

Analog FDM vs. Digital TDM
FDM separates signals by using different carrier frequencies, whereas TDM (time division multiplexing) interleaves signals as in the following illustrations.



FDMFused Deposition Modeling
FDMFormal Development Methodology
FDMFinite-Difference Method
FDMForenede Danske Motorejere
FDMFeature Download Management
FDMFree Download Manager
FDMFile Diagnostic Messages
FDMFast Diagnostic Mode
FDMFifo Data Manager
FDMFull Duplex Mode
FDMFlex Digital Magnifier
FDMFrequency Division Multiplexing
FDMForex Dealer Member
FDMFrequency Division Multiplex(ing)
FDMFuzzy Decision Making
FDMFoundation for Decision Making
FDMFlight Dynamics Model
FDMFlight Data Monitoring
FDMFachverband des Maschinen (German wholesale machine association)
FDMFugitive Dust Model
FDMFarallon de Medinilla (Northern Mariana Islands)
FDMFrançais du Monde (French: French of the World; political group)
FDMFormes de la Mobilité (French: Forms of Mobility)
FDMFinancial Data Management
FDMFrance Danemark Matériel (French industrial equipment company)
FDMFunctional Data Model
FDMFreiburger Zentrum für Datenanalyse und Modellbildung (Germany)
FDMFlash Disk Module
FDMFrequency Domain Multiplexing
FDMFurniture Design and Manufacturing (magazine)
FDMFeature Difference Measure
FDMFashion Design and Merchandising
FDMFuel Delivery Module (automotive)
FDMFlash Data Memory
FDMFinancial Data Mart
FDMFrançaise des Montages (French: French Montages)
FDMFilter Diagonalization Method
FDMFacilities Development Manual
FDMFinancial Decision Making
FDMFundamentals of Disaster Management
FDMFront Desk Manager
FDMFiveash Data Management Inc
FDMForeign Domestic Movement
FDMFinancial Data Manager (Oracle)
FDMFrederick Douglass Museum
FDMFused Deposition Manufacturing
FDMFaçades Distribution Méditerranée (French building facade company)
FDMFreeze Dried Mealworms
FDMFinancial Disclosure Management (US Army on-line computer program)
FDMFunctional Data Manager
FDMForm Deprivation Myopia
FDMFile Distribution Manager
FDMFeature Design Memorandum (USACE)
FDMFormulaire de Demande
FDMFamily Decision Meeting (Oregon Department of Human Services)
FDMFacilities Design and Management (magazine)
FDMFrequency Domain Modulation
FDMFlexor Digiti Minimi
FDMFaute de Mieux (French)
FDMFamily Development and Management
FDMFlight Data Manager
FDMFine Design Marine
FDMFat Content in Dry Matter
FDMFlorida Disaster Management
FDMFarmer Direct Marketing
FDMFroid des Mascareignes (cold storage company)
FDMFlash Development Module
FDMFeasibility Demonstration Models
FDMFame Data Management
FDMFile Diagnostic Message
FDMFat Dog Mendoza (cartoon network show)
FDMFootball Dot Manager (online game)
FDMFunctional Document Model
FDMFriends of the Divine Master
FDMForce Direction Message
FDMFill and Drain Module
FDMFourier Decomposition Method
FDMForging Design Manual (aluminum)
FDMFault Detection and Management
FDMFlexible Delivery Mode (teaching method)
FDMFeedback Data Management
FDMFondation des Deserts du Monde
FDMFables Device Manufacturer
FDMFixed Dose Method
FDMFigure of Demerit
FDMFailure Detector Module
FDMFree-Flying Dynamic Models
FDMFood Drug Mass-Merchandise (market segment)
FDMFull Drive Modulation
FDMFrequent Dancer Miles
FDMForce Distribution Manual
FDMFactory Data Management
FDMFusion Data Management (Unreal tournament clan)
FDMFraction of Deadlines Made
FDMFundación Diálogo Mujer (Spanish: Foundation for Women's Dialogue; Colombia)




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