Acronym | Definition |
APC➣Armored Personnel Carrier |
APC➣American Power Conversion |
APC➣Association for Progressive Communications |
APC➣Account(ing) Processing Code |
APC➣Activated Protein C |
APC➣All Progressive Congress (Nigerian political party) |
APC➣Advanced Process Control |
APC➣Air Pollution Control |
APC➣A Perfect Circle (band) |
APC➣Antigen-Presenting Cell |
APC➣Allophycocyanin (dye protein) |
APC➣Adenomatous Polyposis Coli |
APC➣Alternative PHP Cache |
APC➣Anaphase Promoting Complex (cell biology) |
APC➣All People's Congress (Sierra Leone) |
APC➣Airline Pilot Central |
APC➣A Professional Corporation |
APC➣All Purpose Cleaner |
APC➣Argon Plasma Coagulation |
APC➣Advanced Practice Center |
APC➣Article Processing Charge |
APC➣Alstom Power Conversion (Paris, France) |
APC➣Assessment of Professional Competence |
APC➣Ambulatory Payment Classification |
APC➣Access Point Controller (wireless networking) |
APC➣Associate Professional Counselor (various organizations) |
APC➣Area of Particular Concern (conservation) |
APC➣Average Propensity to Consume (income) |
APC➣Association of Professional Chaplains |
APC➣Annual Percent Change (measurement) |
APC➣Napa County Airport (airport code, CA) |
APC➣Area Planning Commission (various locations) |
APC➣Acts of the Privy Council (UK) |
APC➣American Pie Council |
APC➣Appliance Parts Center (various locations) |
APC➣Administrative Professionals Conference |
APC➣Automatic Power Control |
APC➣Approach Control (aviation) |
APC➣Atari Punk Console (sound generator) |
APC➣Annual Practising Certificate (various locations) |
APC➣Apostolic Pentecostal Church (church formed in 1935) |
APC➣Ammonium Perchlorate |
APC➣African People's Convention (political party; South Africa) |
APC➣Appleton Post Crescent (Wisconsin; newspaper) |
APC➣Automatic Proxy Configuration |
APC➣Adaptive Power Control |
APC➣Application Programmability Components |
APC➣Application Control |
APC➣Automatic Program Control |
APC➣Application Program Command |
APC➣Accredited Presale Consultant |
APC➣Automatic Performance Control |
APC➣Asynchronous Procedure Call |
APC➣Analogue Pureness Control |
APC➣American Products Company |
APC➣Adjacent Point Code |
APC➣Airport Code |
APC➣American Plastics Council |
APC➣Automated Postal Center (USPS) |
APC➣Artistic Photo Canvas (photo printing website) |
APC➣Association des Psychiatres du Canada (Canadian Psychiatric Association) |
APC➣Autopilot Computer (avionics) |
APC➣Annual Professional Conference (Diabetes UK) |
APC➣Advisory Plan Commission (Indiana) |
APC➣Athletic Performance Center (various locations) |
APC➣Academic Planning Committee |
APC➣Anti-Pop Consortium (band) |
APC➣Americas Paralympic Committee (Argentina) |
APC➣Coastal Transport (US Navy) |
APC➣Alabama Power Company |
APC➣Automatic Passenger Counter |
APC➣Attwater Prairie Chicken |
APC➣Aerobic Plate Count (microbiology) |
APC➣Animal Procedures Committee (UK) |
APC➣Asynchronous Procedure Call (Microsoft Windows NT) |
APC➣Australian Parents Council |
APC➣American Peanut Council |
APC➣Agency Program Coordinator |
APC➣Amplifier Power Control (Pirelli) |
APC➣Adenomatous Polyposis of the Colon |
APC➣Army Proficiency Certificate (UK) |
APC➣Advanced Professional Certificate |
APC➣Application Program Control |
APC➣Automatic Process Control |
APC➣Army Pictorial Center (US Army Signal Corps) |
APC➣Alternativa Popular Canaria (Canarian political party) |
APC➣Aquatic Plant Control |
APC➣Asia Pacific Capital (est. 1992) |
APC➣Australian Postal Corporation (formerly Australian Post Commission) |
APC➣Automatic Pallet Changer |
APC➣Actual Physical Control (criminal law) |
APC➣Allylpyrocatechol (pharmacology) |
APC➣Area Processing Center (US Army and US Air Force) |
APC➣Access Promotion Contribution (telecommunications fee; Pakistan) |
APC➣Association des Producteurs de Cinéma (French: Film Producers Association) |
APC➣American Presbyterian Church |
APC➣Apocalypse Production Crew |
APC➣Academy of Professional Careers (various locations) |
APC➣Angled Physical Contact (fiber optics) |
APC➣Application Performance Characterization (Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation) |
APC➣Age-Period-Cohort (statistical model) |
APC➣All Party Committee (various organizations) |
APC➣Advanced Piston Corer (tool) |
APC➣Atelier de Production et de Creation (French: Workshop Production and Creation; clothing designer; France) |
APC➣Agricultural Production Cooperative |
APC➣Assemblee Populaire Communale (French) |
APC➣Army Personnel Command (US Army) |
APC➣Adaptive Predictive Coding |
APC➣Alaska Pipeline Company (natural gas) |
APC➣Association of Professional Consultants (Orange County, California) |
APC➣Automatic Phase Control |
APC➣Adoptive Parents Committee |
APC➣Alien Property Custodian |
APC➣Asia-Pacific Committee (various organizations) |
APC➣Army Petroleum Center (US Army) |
APC➣Atlanta Preservation Center (Georgia) |
APC➣Australian Provincial Championship (rugby) |
APC➣Advanced Primary Care (healthcare; various organizations) |
APC➣Aerial Port Commander (US DoD) |
APC➣Achievement-Oriented Psychological Control (psychology) |
APC➣Absolute Phagocyte Count (blood count) |
APC➣Alternative Placement Center (school discipline) |
APC➣Atrial Premature Contraction |
APC➣Associated Pennsylvania Constructors |
APC➣Assistant Principal Curriculum (various schools) |
APC➣Asia Pacific Consumer (China) |
APC➣Amity Printing Company (China) |
APC➣Association of Population Centers (independent group of universities and research groups) |
APC➣Atlantic Partnership Council |
APC➣Advanced Power Control |
APC➣Aseptic Packaging Council |
APC➣A Professional Conference Call (Buford, GA) |
APC➣Adult Protection Committee (UK) |
APC➣Armor Piercing Capped |
APC➣Association for Progressive Computing |
APC➣All-Purpose Carrier |
APC➣Account Program Coordinator |
APC➣Arkansas Passport Center (Hot Spring, AR) |
APC➣Acquisition Professional Community |
APC➣Assign Preprogrammed Conference List (US DoD) |
APC➣Aspirin, Phenacetin & Caffeine |
APC➣Arbeitsplatz-Computer |
APC➣Association Pulmonaire du Canada (Canadian Lung Association) |
APC➣Awareness Protective Consultants, LLC (Piscataway, NJ) |
APC➣Aomori Public College (est. 1993; Aomori City, Japan) |
APC➣Algebraic Process Calculi (computer science) |
APC➣Automatic Program Control (radio/tape deck) |
APC➣Alianza por Chile (Alliance for Chile) |
APC➣Alaska Press Club (journalism) |
APC➣Alabama Productivity Center |
APC➣Association Pomme Cannelle (French: Apple Cinnamon Association; Nepalese volunteer group) |
APC➣Austin Powder Company (Cleveland, OH) |
APC➣Angle Polished Connector (fiber optic) |
APC➣Adenoma Prevention with Celebrex (medical trial) |
APC➣Airport Club |
APC➣Adjacent Point Code (Cisco) |
APC➣Approach Power Compensator |
APC➣AMARC Protocol Converter |
APC➣Antenna Phase Center |
APC➣Adaptive Payload Carrier (NASA) |
APC➣American Philatelic Congress |
APC➣Aeronautical Passenger Communication (aviation) |
APC➣American Popcorn Company (Sioux City, IA) |
APC➣Aqueous Potassium Carbonate |
APC➣Antigen Processing Cell |
APC➣Antenna Pattern Correction |
APC➣AIDS Partnership California |
APC➣American Panel Corporation |
APC➣Small Coastal Transport (US Navy ship designation) |
APC➣Academic Personnel Committee |
APC➣Alias Point Code |
APC➣Aromatic Polymer Composite |
APC➣Advanced Hydraulic Piston Corer |
APC➣All Purpose Container (US Postal Service) |
APC➣American Personal Communications, Inc. (Sprint-Cable Alliance) |
APC➣Animal Pest Control |
APC➣Association of Pauline Cooperators |
APC➣All Purpose Capsule (US DoD pain relief tablet) |
APC➣AstroParticule & Cosmologie (French: Astrophysics & Cosmology; Paris Diderot University; France) |
APC➣All Purpose Cure |
APC➣Airline Passenger Communications |
APC➣Adequate Price Competition |
APC➣Agincourt Pentecostal Church (Canada) |
APC➣Accident Prevention Council |
APC➣Advanced Product Catalog (Oracle) |
APC➣Air Project Coordinator |
APC➣Autonomous Payload Controller |
APC➣Asociacion Proyecto Caribe (Spanish: Caribbean Association Project; Costa Rica) |
APC➣Activity Program Coordinator |
APC➣Atkins Physicians Council |
APC➣Auxerre Poker Club (France) |
APC➣Acquisition Position Categories |
APC➣Aft Power Controller |
APC➣Applied Physics Center |
APC➣Autoridad de Promoción del Comercio |
APC➣Asian Pacific Cable |
APC➣Abbreviated Performance Characteristics |
APC➣Alabama Poison Center |
APC➣Angle Position Control |
APC➣Asociacion Patagónica de Carrovelismo |
APC➣Actual Per Capita |
APC➣Acquisition Production Cost |
APC➣Area of Positive Control |
APC➣Accelerometer Pulse Converter |
APC➣Argos Processing Center |
APC➣Alternative Pipe Culvert (construction) |
APC➣Automatic Particle Count(er) |
APC➣Army Postal Clerk |
APC➣Armor Piercing Cartridge (munitions) |
APC➣Army Policy Council |
APC➣Alster Piraten Club (established 1898 in Hamburg) |
APC➣Application Processor Cluster |
APC➣Acquisition Planning Conference |
APC➣Ambulatory Processing Center (US Army) |
APC➣Atomic Progressive Controller |
APC➣Antioch Presbyterian Church |
APC➣Anti Pop Culture |
APC➣Activity Processing Code |
APC➣Atomic Purple Controller (Nintendo game controller) |
APC➣Amiens Poker Club (France) |
APC➣Active Processor Chip |
APC➣Approved Procedure Change |
APC➣Automatic Pixel Control (setting for amateur astronomy video cameras to remove visual artifacts) |
APC➣Asynchronous Power Control |
APC➣Ask, Pause, and Call (training procedure for querying students) |
APC➣Associated Planning Consultants Inc (Toronto, ON, Canada) |
APC➣Aircraft Pilot Control |
APC➣Administration and Project Control |
APC➣Area Priority Council |
APC➣Animal Production Committee |
APC➣Automatic Polarity Collection |
APC➣Apple Performa Computer |
APC➣Activity Process Code |
APC➣acrylic purging compound (plastics industry) |
APC➣Article Production Charge |
APC➣Assistant/Air Project Coordinator |
APC➣Alpha Proportional Counter |
APC➣Argon Purge Chart |
APC➣Average Percent Complete |
APC➣Astro Peripheral Controller |
APC➣Associate Police Captains (Cincinnati, Ohio) |
APC➣Appalachia Processing Center (US State Department) |
APC➣Adaptive Periosteal Cambian |
APC➣Affiliated Property Craftspersons |
APC➣Australian Pack Classification |
APC➣Adjusted Parents' Contribution (student financial aid) |