Cushing ulcer

Cush·ing ul·cer

(kush'ing ŭl'sĕr) Peptic ulcer occurring after severe head injury or with other lesions of the central nervous system.

Cushing ulcer

A stress ulcer in patients with increased intracranial pressure. Cushing ulcer may be caused by increased secretion of gastric acid due to vagus nerve stimulation. See: stress ulcerSee also: Cushing, Harvey


Harvey Williams, U.S. neurosurgeon, 1869-1939. Cushing basophilism - Synonym(s): Cushing syndromeCushing bone rongeurCushing brain depressorCushing brain forcepsCushing brain spatulaCushing cranial burCushing cranial rongeur forcepsCushing disease - adrenal hyperplasia (Cushing syndrome) caused by an ACTH-secreting basophil adenoma of the pituitary. Synonym(s): Cushing pituitary basophilismCushing dressing forcepsCushing dural hookCushing dural hook knifeCushing effect - Synonym(s): Cushing phenomenonCushing Gigli-saw guideCushing nerve retractorCushing perforatorCushing perforator drillCushing periosteal elevatorCushing phenomenon - a rise in systemic blood pressure when the intracranial pressure acutely increases. Synonym(s): Cushing effect; Cushing responseCushing pituitary basophilism - Synonym(s): Cushing diseaseCushing response - Synonym(s): Cushing phenomenonCushing self-retaining retractorCushing straight retractorCushing syndrome - a disorder resulting from increased adrenocortical secretion of cortisol. Synonym(s): adrenalism; Cushing basophilism; Gallais syndrome; Itsenko-Cushing syndromeCushing syndrome medicamentosus - a variable number of the signs and symptoms of Cushing syndrome.Cushing ulcerItsenko-Cushing syndrome - Synonym(s): Cushing syndrome