Acronym | Definition |
EOH➣Équipe Opérationnelle d'Hygiène (French: Operational Hygiene Team) |
EOH➣Environmental & Occupational Health |
EOH➣Engineering Open House |
EOH➣End of Header (computing) |
EOH➣Expenditure on Health (various organizations) |
EOH➣Medellin, Colombia - Enrique Olaya Herrara (Airport Code) |
EOH➣End of Hole (drill and bore holes) |
EOH➣End of Heartache |
EOH➣Equipment On Hand |
EOH➣Eye of Horus (gaming clan) |
EOH➣Equivalent Operating Hours (power generation) |
EOH➣Engine Overhaul |
EOH➣Equal Opportunity Hater |
EOH➣Engineered Overhaul (US Navy) |
EOH➣Eve Online Hold'em (online poker) |
EOH➣Endurance Of Hate (South Wales metal band) |
EOH➣Ending On-Hand (inventory) |
EOH➣Emergency Operation Headquarters (also seen as EOHQ) |
EOH➣Equipment Operator Hauling |
EOH➣Engine Operating Hours |
EOH➣Executive Office Headquarters |
EOH➣End Of Overhaul |
EOH➣Eye of the Hurricane (music album) |
EOH➣End of Healing |
EOH➣Explorations of Hope (humanitarian organization) |
EOH➣Electro-Optical Holography |