APCMAssemblée Permanente des Chambres de Métiers (France)
APCMAssociation des Professionnels de la Communication et du Marketing (French: Association of Professionals in Communication and Marketing; Canada)
APCMAnalog Pcm
APCMAdaptive Pcm
APCMAnnual Parochial Church Meeting
APCMAsia Pacific Christian Mission (Australia)
APCMAsiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
APCMAdaptive Pulse Code Modulation
APCMAdaptive Probabilistic Concept Modeling
APCMAerial Photography Contract Management System
APCMAssociated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd
APCMAnalog PCM Modem
APCMAssociation pour la Promotion de la Country Music (French: Association for the Advancement of Country Music)
APCMAutomatic Personnel Contamination Monitor
APCMAssociation of Plastic Cable Makers (UK)
APCMAdvanced Professional Certificate in Management Studies (UK)