Acronym | Definition |
APCS➣Asia Pacific Cities Summit |
APCS➣Advanced Pre Crash System |
APCS➣Advanced Pre Collision System |
APCS➣Advanced Placement Computer Science |
APCS➣Alexandria Park Community School (Sydney, Australia) |
APCS➣Air Pollution Control System |
APCS➣Asia Pacific Computer Services |
APCS➣Academics Plus Charter School (Maumelle, AR) |
APCS➣Automated Project Control System (NASA) |
APCS➣Association pour la Promotion des Carrières Sanitaires (French: Association for the Promotion of Sanitation Careers) |
APCS➣Argonne Premium Coal Sample |
APCS➣Assembly for the Promotion of Civil Society (Cuba) |
APCS➣Association des Propriétaires de Challenger Scout (French boating association) |
APCS➣Approach Power Control Set |
APCS➣Aeronautical Production Control System |
APCS➣Advanced Passenger Control System (biometrics, airports, transportation) |
APCS➣Associaçao Portuguesa dos Chartered Surveyors (Portuguese: Portuguese Association of Chartered Surveyors) |