
(redirected from flagging down)
Related to flagging down: flagging off
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for flag

noun banner


  • banner
  • standard
  • colours
  • jack
  • pennant
  • ensign
  • streamer
  • pennon
  • banderole
  • gonfalon

verb mark


  • mark
  • identify
  • indicate
  • label
  • tab
  • pick out
  • note
  • docket

phrase flag something or someone down


  • hail
  • stop
  • signal
  • salute
  • wave down

verb weaken


  • weaken
  • fall
  • die
  • fail
  • decline
  • sink
  • fade
  • slump
  • pine
  • faint
  • weary
  • fall off
  • succumb
  • falter
  • wilt
  • wane
  • ebb
  • sag
  • languish
  • abate
  • droop
  • peter out
  • taper off
  • feel the pace
  • lose your strength

Synonyms for flag

noun fabric used especially as a symbol


  • banderole
  • banner
  • banneret
  • color
  • ensign
  • jack
  • oriflamme
  • pennant
  • pennon
  • standard
  • streamer

verb to communicate by means of such devices as lights or signs


  • semaphore
  • signal

verb to become limp, as from loss of freshness


  • droop
  • sag
  • wilt

verb to lose strength or power


  • decline
  • degenerate
  • deteriorate
  • fade
  • fail
  • languish
  • sink
  • wane
  • waste
  • weaken
  • fizzle

Synonyms for flag

noun emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design

Related Words

  • American flag
  • Old Glory
  • Stars and Stripes
  • Star-Spangled Banner
  • banner
  • streamer
  • battle flag
  • black flag
  • Jolly Roger
  • pirate flag
  • blackjack
  • colors
  • colours
  • emblem
  • fanion
  • jack
  • pennon
  • waft
  • pennant
  • standard
  • Confederate flag
  • Stars and Bars
  • tricolor
  • tricolour
  • Union flag
  • Union Jack
  • flag of truce
  • white flag
  • yellow jack
  • national flag
  • ensign

noun a listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the editorial page) that gives the name of the publication and the names of the editorial staff, etc


  • masthead

Related Words

  • list
  • listing

noun plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals


  • fleur-de-lis
  • iris
  • sword lily

Related Words

  • iridaceous plant
  • genus Iris
  • bearded iris
  • beardless iris
  • bulbous iris
  • Iris cristata
  • dwarf iris
  • gladdon
  • gladdon iris
  • Iris foetidissima
  • roast beef plant
  • stinking gladwyn
  • stinking iris
  • Iris persica
  • Persian iris
  • Iris pseudacorus
  • yellow flag
  • yellow iris
  • yellow water flag
  • Iris verna
  • vernal iris
  • blue flag
  • Iris versicolor
  • Iris virginica
  • southern blue flag
  • English iris
  • Iris xiphioides

noun a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device


  • signal flag

Related Words

  • visual signal
  • pennant
  • code flag
  • nautical signal flag
  • red flag

noun flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green


  • pin

Related Words

  • golf equipment

noun stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones


  • flagstone

Related Words

  • paving stone

noun a conspicuously marked or shaped tail

Related Words

  • Canis familiaris
  • dog
  • domestic dog
  • tail
  • cervid
  • deer

verb communicate or signal with a flag

Related Words

  • signal
  • signalise
  • signalize
  • sign
  • flag down

verb provide with a flag

Related Words

  • mark

verb droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness


  • droop
  • sag
  • swag

Related Words

  • drop down
  • sink
  • drop
  • slouch
  • slump
  • bag

verb decorate with flags

Related Words

  • adorn
  • decorate
  • grace
  • ornament
  • embellish
  • beautify

verb become less intense


  • ease off
  • slacken off
  • ease up

Related Words

  • decrease
  • diminish
  • lessen
  • fall
References in periodicals archiveEarlier today, I-ACT personnel began flagging down smoke-belching and decrepit PUVs along Marcos Highway and Dona Carmen, along Commonwealth, Quezon City.244 jeepney drivers summoned for units' roadworthinessAll men, who are Romanian nationals, are accused of flagging down drivers and claiming their car had run out of petrol and asking for money, allegedly offering to exchange a low-value European currency or gold for British pounds.Trio failed to appear at courtA FORMER boxing prodigy shot in a gangland dispute was caught with cocaine after flagging down police and saying: "I've been on a bender."I have been on a bender; EX-BOXER SHOT IN FEUD WAS CAUGHT WITH COCAINEIn December the Examiner reported how apparently stricken motorists had been flagging down drivers claiming to have run out of petrol.Beware latest 'jewellery for cash'scam on the roadsSummary: FUJAIRAH -- A woman who made off with cash after allegedly visiting houses and flagging down cars in the name of begging, has been nabbed by
Fujairah Police on charges of fraud and theft.Woman held for fraud and theft