Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers University of Technology

(body, education)A Swedish university founded in 1829offering master of science and doctoral degrees. Research iscarried out in the main engineering sciences as well as intechnology related mathematical and natural sciences. Fivehundred faculty members work in more than 100 departmentsorganised in nine schools. Chalmers collaborates with theUniversity of G?teborg.

Around 8500 people work and study on the Chalmers campus,including around 500 faculty members and some 600 teachers anddoctoral students. About 4800 students follow the masterdegree programs. Every year 700 Masters of Science inEngineering and in Architecture graduate from Chalmers, andabout 190 PhDs and licentiates are awarded. Some 40% ofSweden's engineers and architects are Chalmers graduates.

About a thousand research projects are in progress and morethan 1500 scientific articles and research reports arepublished every year. Chalmers is a partner in 80 EC researchprojects.

Address: S-412 96 G?teborg, Sweden.