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con·vul·sant C0618800 (kən-vŭl′sənt)adj. Causing or producing convulsions.n. An agent, such as a drug, that causes convulsions.convulsant (kənˈvʌlsənt) adj (Medicine) producing convulsionsn (Pathology) a drug that produces convulsions[C19: from French, from convulser to convulse]con•vul•sant (kənˈvʌl sənt) adj. 1. causing convulsions; convulsive. n. 2. a convulsant agent. [1870–75] Translationsconvulsant
con·vul·sant (kon-vŭl'sant), A substance that produces convulsions. See also: eclamptogenic, epileptogenic. convulsant (kən-vŭl′sənt)adj. Causing or producing convulsions.n. An agent, such as a drug, that causes convulsions.convulsant (kŏn-vŭl′sănt) [L. convellere, to pull together] 1. An agent that produces a convulsion.2. Causing the onset of a convulsion. Patient discussion about convulsantQ. my friend has convulsions what can i do to make it stop and improve his life quality? A. what type of convulsions? my best friend is epileptic, but as long as he get's his meds and sleep well- nothing ever happens. i know that as a child all my friend ever wanted was to go to school like everyone else... and to go to school trips without being afraid. More discussions about convulsantThesaurusSeeconvulse |