Bárány syndrome

Bárány syndrome

(1) An obsolete term that formerly dignified the combination of a severe unilateral occipital region headache, ipsilateral deafness and cerebellar signs due to a lesion of the posterior fossa. 
(2) Benign (paroxysmal) positional vertigo.


Robert, Austrian-Hungarian otologist and Nobel laureate, 1876-1936. Bárány alarm apparatusBárány apparatusBárány boxBárány caloric test - a test for vestibular function. Synonym(s): caloric test; nystagmus testBárány chairBárány noise apparatusBárány noise apparatus whistleBárány sign - nystagmus induced by injecting either hot or cold water into the external ear canal in the caloric test.Bárány syndrome - the direction of a fall is influenced by changing head position in the presence of equilibrium disturbance.Bárány testpositional vertigo of Bárány - brief attacks of paroxysmal vertigo and nystagmus due to labyrinthine dysfunction. Synonym(s): benign positional vertigo